Wharfedale Unit 5 Speakers

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Jan 9, 2010
I have some old Wharfedale Unit 5 speakers in home made cabinets dating from about 1970. I have lost the specifications and wondered if anyone knows about them.
I think these were driver or driver+baffle kit similar to the ready built Wharfedale models of the time -- Linton, Denton, Dovedale - start by looking for anything on those because they are a lot less rare than surviving kits, I suspect.

They weren't great speakers by the way -- I quickly upgraded to KEF and only ever tried Leak/Wharfedale again when given some while working on their advertising account 5 years later -- still didn't like them.
12" unit: Magnet 11,500 oersteds
bass resonance approximately 17Hz
5" mid range unit: Magnet 10,400 oersteds
1" treble Range unit: Magnet 12,000 oersteds
Moving cone mass 0.2 of a gram
crossover frequencies 450Hz and 3,000Hz
Power Handling capacity 35watt rms
Impedance: suitable for amplifier having an impedance between 4-8 ohms
frequency range: depends on cabinet size and construction but generally no worse than 40Hz-20,000Hz.

Have the complete assembly instructions so if you want can scan it

Mine are broken, and arrived here when searching if worth to replace parts
12" unit: Magnet 11,500 oersteds
bass resonance approximately 17Hz
5" mid range unit: Magnet 10,400 oersteds
1" treble Range unit: Magnet 12,000 oersteds
Moving cone mass 0.2 of a gram
crossover frequencies 450Hz and 3,000Hz
Power Handling capacity 35watt rms
Impedance: suitable for amplifier having an impedance between 4-8 ohms
frequency range: depends on cabinet size and construction but generally no worse than 40Hz-20,000Hz.

Have the complete assembly instructions so if you want can scan it

Mine are broken, and arrived here when searching if worth to replace parts

I built a pair in '70 or '71 and found the bass exceptional. I've since built better but want to use the 2 woofers as a sub-woofer and need the inside cabinet dimensions so I don't blow them. I'd love a scan of the instructions.
12" unit: Magnet 11,500 oersteds
bass resonance approximately 17Hz
5" mid range unit: Magnet 10,400 oersteds
1" treble Range unit: Magnet 12,000 oersteds
Moving cone mass 0.2 of a gram
crossover frequencies 450Hz and 3,000Hz
Power Handling capacity 35watt rms
Impedance: suitable for amplifier having an impedance between 4-8 ohms
frequency range: depends on cabinet size and construction but generally no worse than 40Hz-20,000Hz.

Have the complete assembly instructions so if you want can scan it

Mine are broken, and arrived here when searching if worth to replace parts

I built a pair in '70 or '71 and found the bass exceptional. I've since built better but want to use the 2 woofers as a sub-woofer and need the inside cabinet dimensions so I don't blow them. I'd love a scan of the instructions.
Hi John, Do you still have the assembly instructions, i have managed to get the dimensions from a friend who has a pair of these but it would be nice to have a copy of the original paperwork you got with them.


I know it's been and while since you posted this but I have just been given a unit 5 kit still in its box but no instructions , if you still have a copy I would be really grateful for a copy , it's mainly for wiring things correctly
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