Question what camera is good for both video and photo

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Jul 25, 2019
Ive been looking at some cameras lately, and don't know which one to get. I want one that takes professional looking photos, but I also want professional looking videos. I would use it for music videos, sports videos, not really into making short films. Photo wise I would use it for car photos, and portraits. My budget is 800-1000$. I was looking into getting a Cannon SL3, but I was told by a peer to just save and buy a higher quality camera, But I am unfamiliar with them, so I don't really know what is considered a top of the line camera. I would also like the option to shoot in 4k. Any suggestions on what kind to get? Also this might seem like a dumb question, but will buying a camera such as the SL3 really make that much of a difference, than if I just use my iPhone X to shoot photos and videos? Thanks in advance for the replies
Aug 5, 2019
From my experience, I can say that Nikon Z6 is a good one. For 1 000$ this is the best choice. It blends comprehensive functionality and top-notch image quality with fast autofocus and fantastic low-light performance.
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