im no expert but i would guess some sort of industrial antenna or something of that nature, but you will most likely need alot of electricity for whatever you do end up needing
It doesn't work like that, you might (emphasis on might) be able to pick up some wifi if you are docked, but the farther away you get, the more the signal drops out. The most increase you may get is a extra couple hundred feet at most (and that's being optimistic). Sorry, but what you are asking for is virtually impossible. Just do some google searches for wifi antenna boosters and see what is offered. That is about as good as it will get.
google this video it is called 1 man 1 jar, its a very cool invention this man made and it should help you solve your problem. Other than that all i can say is buy yourself some internet.
A business / consumer wireless network generally does not extend beyond 25 meters and that assumes no walls blocking the signal. A telecomm's (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon) cell tower in general has a range of 1 to 5 miles. That depends on the terrain, wattage, and the exact specs of the equipment used. Under the best conditions if Verizon were to put a cell tower at the edge of the shore (a really, really, really stupid idea to say the very least), then you can potentially receive a signal 5 miles away from land.
You, my friend, are going to need a remote satellite internet connection. Sounds expensive? Well, that's because it is...
google this video it is called 1 man 1 jar, its a very cool invention this man made and it should help you solve your problem. Other than that all i can say is buy yourself some internet.
Excellent suggestion! I'd forgotten about that guy and his offbeat contraption but you're right, it's a perfect fit for this fellow's conundrum. It's a good reminder, too, of the value of exuberant, fearless experimentation in finding breakthroughs that defy conventional theories. Thanks!
I get signals from up to 3 miles. with n outdoor panel antenna and booster im on a network a mile away now. and is fast as if i were in there home. Im sorry but all this 60 yard 300 yards is bull. i have 15 mbp's upload 4 download id say not to bad.? so tell me again how you cannot pick up over so far cause it is false. radio waves travel further you think. Some nights i can pick up even further. and mine is just hanging on side of house and should be on roof..PS im way out in country nearst neighbor is a mile away. i dont have my own net.!
Impressive! Now I am interested in snagging some free WiFi from Starbucks 3 miles away with a setup like yours pumpkinman. Sadly I can't get high speed internet because I'm considered out of any high speed internet service providers "zones" which is purely retarded... I think I'll get an alfa r36 router to use and a usb adapter that goes with it as well as an upgraded 18 db antenna and see what happens. Is this similar to your setup you have pumpkinman?