What Is Amazon Prime?

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I bet amazon starts offering free cell phone service if thier mobile platform takes off. $299 Prime one time fee for unlimited talk, text, and web plus free 2 day shipping and video streaming and music streaming. i dont like comas
I have Netflix and Amazon Prime. Prime video sucks for the most part. Take Torchwood for example. I can watch it streaming on Netflix, or I can PAY EXTRA to watch it through Amazon Prime, because it's not in their instant video section. In fact most of their offerings aren't in it. Even series that have been out for years, like Doomsday Preppers season 4, will cost about $2 extra per episode to watch. Game of Thrones? Available on DVD through Netflix, or pay for every episode through Amazon. I got my Prime membership for the shipping benefits so the video is a nice perk and nothing more. I won't be canceling my Netflix membership for Amazon any time soon, if ever.
I decided to try Prime for one year. I warn you, it is CRAP! It is not worth the greedy asking price. You only get free shipping on stuff stocked by Amazon, so you don't save much. Amazon Prime Video is a disaster. It is like walking into a badly stocked Blockbuster store full of tired old junk you'd never want to watch. I think as a family we have watched perhaps 3 movies at most. And anything that is worth watching... well, you'll just have to pay more for it anyway. Really, do not waste your time or money on Prime, or at least until they reduce the cost to 25% its current rate.
there is always a new service by amazon to nick the pennies out of people. e.g Amazon Prime. It is not worth the investment for individuals, except for organizations who deal with large volumes of daily shipping.
I shop A LOT on Amazon, so the $99 annual fee is cheaper that paying all the shipping charges. It's also nice that I can share the free shipping with my spouse, who is also a big Amazon shopper.
Amazon Prime can not be compared to Hulu.
Prime account is also connected to your e.g. VIP shipping cost flat-rate.
If you shop a lot on Amazon and watched the films a lot, Prime is a lot cheaper than Hulu.
I still prefer the Prime old fee before the Prime video integration.
My take is that Amazon used to be a marginal deal and now it's a bad deal.

I signed up for Prime when it first came out years ago. The deal then was strictly free two-day shipping and the cost was around $50. Over time they kept adding "features" I didn't care about or couldn't use (e.g. free ebook if you already bought one of their kindles) and raising the price. Two-day shipping started taking three and four days to actually show up. Their video service really had problems delivering HD to my location and kept scaling back to SD (I have very fast internet and no other service had a problem,) and finally last year they dropped almost all the programming I wanted to watch. At that point it was $99 a year -- I let it expire.

You know what? I was buying lots of stuff because I had Prime and didn't have to think about it -- I'd just one-click. Now I have to pay a little more attention and they have to compete a little harder. I find I can beat most of their "deals" shopping elsewhere and those merchants usually have free shipping. So I'm saving the $99 I would have given Amazon and I'm also saving on each individual purchase and I don't feel like a chump for paying for the services I don't use. Win.
The Nvidia Shield has had 4K and voice control support for months....

Also people are forgetting Live Channels on Android TV, it's a true cable box replacement.
i canceled my prime when they stopped doing collect+

the only dropoff locations they have now are at the post office lol.

the post office shuts at 5:30.

well prime was good while collect+ lasted and now they dont offer that i buy more things through ebay and pick up from halfauds or argos

I imagine this was written because Amazon is offering 1/3rd off the membership for one day only on Sept 25.
No mate, the author keeps changing the date to 'today's date' every time he edits it. I only asked because it smacks of sponsorship to me 😉

Oh. I see. no the author don't change the date. The system did, it update the date to the last edit date. I don't know can't you not click it?
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