what is the best laptop to get for around $300 that can be used for some gaming?

You can get a usable (barely) laptop for 300 but it wont do much in the way of games, try to save up more like 600 dollars and you should be able to find something. At the 300 mark you might be better off buying a used laptop w/ dedicated graphics.

For league of legends or something like that. not high end games like battlefield of crisis. you can build a gaming desktop for 300. I know its hard to find a laptop like the one i am asking but that's why I am asking.

gaming desktop for 300? really hard sir

anyway the only option you would get is a used laptop which i heavild DONT recommend . Never been a fan of used electronics

anyway if you get a decent i3 with maybe an igpu of intel HD 2000 + you can play LoL ,