how can you even compare a HT to something on a budget of $50-100? you cant and probably shouldnt really have listed it as a comparison.
i disagree, most surround sound headphones in that budget are of comparable quality if not less quality than speakers you can buy.
also did the op not ask for speakers not headphones? while definitely an option its not the only one.
what works best depends on your situation. there really is no perfect gaming set. its all in what you like and what your situation is.
first... if you are in a situation where you can not generate much noise such as if you game at night when people are sleeping honestly your only choices are to have speakers turned down very low or to use a headset or headphones and a mic. many gamers do use headsets since they use a mic and the headset cuts down on the amount of crosstalk/audio sfx bleeding into the mic. keep in mind that you could also use a pair of stereo headphones and a seperate mic as well for higher quality sound at the expense of surround sound (but you can still use virtual surround).
second... if you want either higher quality sound or you dont have much room you are likely better off with a 2.0 or 2.1 system. you will not get surround sound but if your soundcard supports it you might be able to get virtual surround which honestly isnt bad.
third... if you have the room for a surround sound set the choices for the budget are limited but honestly arent bad for the price. this will give you true surround sound and is generally what gamers use if not using a headset..
-well i cannot really recommend a gaming headset since they all sound really bad compared to what i'm used to and i cant say i'm a fan of them so i will leave that up to one of the other members..
-if you wanted to go with a seperate mic and better sounding headphones (stereo only) then i would suggest something like the audiotechnica ath-m50s for $99 on ebay and a seperate clip on mic (if required). sure its a little bit over budget but its going to sound great. if your soundcard supports virtual surround then honestly theres not a huge difference between that (virtual surround) and surround headphones except the sound quality is much better on stereo headphones since they have higher quality drivers.
-if you want a 2.0 or 2.1 set you have two options. you could get some cheap bookshelf speakers and use a stereo amplifier. this would give you some pretty nice sound and certainly loud sound however might not have the low end kick of a 2.1 system. check this link http

/news.cnet.com/8301-13645_3-57439115-47/build-your-own-desktop-stereo-for-under-$70/ if you wanted a computer speaker set then i'd look at a 2.0 creative gigaworks t20 series ii, the 2.1 z523 or the 2.1 genius gx gaming set.
-if you want a 5.1 set then i'd have to say go with the z506 or maybe the creative t6300 though i think the logitech set is a bit better.