What would you do?


Apr 27, 2010

I am going to university in september for Business Administration Program, now I am kind of confused between what laptop should I get. I simply hate netbooks so that's just out of my list. Right now I have a MacBook 13.3 Core 2 Duo 3 GB DDR3 Ram
250GB HDD and 9400m graphics on it. Now I don't think I'd be doing any sort of video editing or what not in business program, i'd be mostly working on excel, powerpoint and word sheets.

1. One of my buddy says stay with the MacBook it's better than any windows computer anyways
2. If you need anything just put windows on a partition on the MacBook and you're good
3. I like Alienware a lot like a bit too much but only thing that has kept me away from it till now was that you know how MacBook is really portable and the multi touch pad of its and the long lasting battery and just the cool factor of having a MacBook lol
4. Alienware's cool lightening effect , its name and the logo on the back side " drool " and it's big spec list and the 1200P HD screen

Alienware would be a M15x model and if you suggest me to get that should i get i5 or i7 ? my budget would be i think upto
$ 2000 and by logo i mean lol the avatar at the back of alienware screen like apple has a bitten apple lol

Your responses are valuable please suggest and yes money would be a problem for me lol but i'd try to get financial help from my parents on this

Thanks In Advance
The only issue I see with your mac is the small screen. I have a BS in Bus admin, and my issue always seemed to be screen space. The worst were my Java coding and database classes. Having to write java or SQL code I needed notepad up to write the code, and a window up with the example code. Dual windows so I could just look back and forth was a must for me. Tabbed windows could have worked, but weren't out back then. Having to do this on a <14" screen would be murder.

If you are going to upgrade, make sure you have a 17". Also make sure it can output to another screen plugged into it. This is assuming you don't have a desktop. If you have a desktop, then keep the mac seeing as you already have it. If you have no desktop...
I never have liked the argument that says to get a Mac because you can run windows on it anyways. If I get a Mac I HAVE to run windows on it. If I get a non-Mac, I have zero need to install Mac OS. Seems like a waste of money to me. I'd say that unless you have specific NEED of having the Mac OS, get a windows machine. Apple isn't the quickest in keeping their computers' innards up-to-date. In my opinion, the biggest reason to buy an Apple computer is brand-name loyalty. I prefer speed and reliability to brand loyalty.

I've found Sager laptops to be of excellent quality
Here's a few suggestions of Sager's line at different price points:

You may not like this one, as it is kind of a netbook-regular laptop hybrid. Power is higher, and screen is up to 14", but it's like a netbook in that it's thin, light, and (unfortunately) has no cd/dvd drive. $800, and add $130 if you want to take it from 2GB RAM to 4 GB RAM

$1000 for a 15", 1600x900 screen, with core i5 2.4 GHz and 4GB RAM. Plus, a dedicated video card. Not a super card, but it'll definitely get by. This is a good frugal choice if you don't plan on gaming

$2004 will get you a 1920x1080 screen, core i5 2.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Mobility Radeon 5870, an 80 GB SSD plus a 500 GB 5400 rpm HD. This model will game well for a laptop.

Hi there,

Are you interested in the Alienware because of its appearance? It is a power gaming laptop and it doesn't seem like you are going to be doing much gaming. If you won't be gaming, there are many other affordable laptops you may want to check out. Have you looked into the Sony Vaio E series? I think you will like the design and customizations.

If you are set on an Alienware (as your PC option), an i5 processor would definitely be sufficient for your needs.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

MSFT Windows Outreach Team
The only issue I see with your mac is the small screen. I have a BS in Bus admin, and my issue always seemed to be screen space. The worst were my Java coding and database classes. Having to write java or SQL code I needed notepad up to write the code, and a window up with the example code. Dual windows so I could just look back and forth was a must for me. Tabbed windows could have worked, but weren't out back then. Having to do this on a <14" screen would be murder.

If you are going to upgrade, make sure you have a 17". Also make sure it can output to another screen plugged into it. This is assuming you don't have a desktop. If you have a desktop, then keep the mac seeing as you already have it. If you have no desktop, get the big screen laptop.
The only thing is that I don't want anything other than a MacBook or Alienware , cuz everything seems so dull in front of these, even if I use a High end HP, or Sony now it doesn't feel as good as it does on MacBook and Alienware " drool " just the name damn !

and yes I need a bigger screen that's for sure 13.3 just doesn't do the work for anything now

Hi there,

The Alienware M15x is a great choice. The 2.8 GHz Intel® Core™ i7-720QM is super fast and super powerful. The 15.6" screen is a good size too!

What are you leaning towards?

MSFT Windows Outreach Team

Sager notebooks wow I'm so uninformed , I never knew such company existed.

The thing is that even if I have a Mac OS i'd still be able to pass my universities with no difficulties and if god forbids something arises in which I have to have Windows I can simply install it on the other side.

I think i'll up getting a 15 inch MacBook cuz of the long battery lasting duration and the portability factor and lol maybe when I graduate i'll get a Alienware desktop

Cuz at uni portability would be the greatest factor to think about and this ALienware would be heavy and I would have to carry an extra battery and a wire with me everywhere eh

And I like the multi touch- touch pad on MacBook , does any other company offer that? you guys know ?


Hi there,

Have you looked into any Sony laptops? They have a fully customizable appearance several models come with an Electro-Static touch pad, such as the Sony Vaio EB series. I think you may like the look and feel of the Sony Vaio laptops.

Check out: http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10551&storeId=10151&langId=-1&categoryId=16154&N=4294966502&Name=VAIO+Notebooks#/overviewTab.

What do you think?

MSFT Windows Outreach Team
Hi Varun12,
Firstly, I recommend that you should get a notebook with a big screen; i5 Processor; Nice to type keyboard. But since you already own a Macbook I don't think that there is a need to change it. I mean, since its working so why waste the extra money? And yes, Alienware is definitely sleek enough to attract peoples attention and has great design but its rather expensive. Sager is a nice laptop as well, do note that buying laptop for these brands normally means you are paying for the brands and the service they offer.
I would say that do go ahead and get the laptop if you think that they are affordable, if not, I really don't see the point of getting these high-end laptop.
Holl0w :)
Hey people,

So conclusion of this thread comes out that I shouldn't just get a laptop cuz I " want it " rather I shall get it if I " need it ". So what I've decided is that I'd wait till I finish my first year of University and then decide if I " i want it " or " need it " lol

Thanks a Ton People :bounce:
Your laptop is fine for note taking in your classes. As I said, I have this degree myself. I went with dual option, Accounting and MIS. The only time I wish I had a larger screen was in my programing classes in the MIS option. If you are accounting only, or accounting and finance, what you have will work fine.

Do you remember that scene in Swordfish? (Not THAT one you pervert, the other one where they test his hacking skills.) There is a good reason why hackers/coders have lots of screen space.