What's the Catch with this TV


Nov 28, 2014

I found this TV from a store that was very popular in New Zealand and Australia until it went bankrupt and forced to sell some company. There's a new website for it and they're selling a 4k 55" TV for a really cheap price, $700 NZD which is $505 USD. I've been looking for a TV with 4k and a big size and have seen the Samsung and LG ones for over $1500, I'm wondering with a price this low, there has to be something bad to it. Can anyone tell me how this would compare to a high end Samsung TV?
Since it is "Dick Smith" brand, you may have a difficult time with any warranty claims. You may have difficulty getting anyone to work on it or find repair parts. If a disposable TV is acceptable, then you REALLY need to look at one in person. Just because it says "4K" doesn't mean it has a great picture.


Since it is "Dick Smith" brand, you may have a difficult time with any warranty claims. You may have difficulty getting anyone to work on it or find repair parts. If a disposable TV is acceptable, then you REALLY need to look at one in person. Just because it says "4K" doesn't mean it has a great picture.