I'm getting a new laptop for Xmas and since my current PC is working perfectly I would like to sell it instead of stuffing it in a box and forgetting all about it. It is a Toshiba Portege, and I have it for less than 4 years. When I first bought it the price was £1,100 and it is still a good laptop so I'd feel bad If I just gave it away for parts. It is in good condition, has a touch screen, an intel core 2 duo 2.1 mhz chip, 2 gb ram, 120 hd, 12 inch 360degrees rotating screen among other things. I tried gumtree and craigslist but not ebay (because of the fees). Also, the price i set is £500 which is less than half from what i bought it. I could drop the price more but i think this is pretty fair for the specific laptop. Any ideas on where to list it, if there is a chance of anyone buying it to use it (even though it is a 4 years old model) and whether I should drop the price or just keep it for myself?
Thanks in advance, Faidra
Thanks in advance, Faidra