Where can I buy (Whitebooks) Bare Bone Laptops?


Jul 13, 2008
I've built a few Desktops before but now its getting to be about that time to ditch my old laptop and get something new. I enjoy building them myself and would like to at least compare the price differences between the parts I want and whats available via Dell or what have you.

Problem is, I can't seem to find a good site that sells a bare bones laptop! Now I've googled around and found a lot of reviews for them but no site that sells any kind of good selection. Best I have found is Directron. I never heard of them and they only sell 2 or 3.

So I'm asking all of you if you know of any good sites that sell a good selection of Whitebooks/Barebone Laptops at good prices. Newegg and Zipzoomfly pretty much sell everything else. So any feedback and suggestions will be very much appriciated. Thank You!

Also any good recommendations for which barebones to get are also welcome.
I'm over in Canada but I know that NCIX (www.ncix.com) sells barebones notebooks you add your own cpu memory and hard drive and sometimes wireless card and very very rarely video card. kits start at about $550CDN. Asus kits are great and that's what I'd go for
Just an update. I found 2 pretty good sites and wanted to share them for anyone who might be in the same boat I am.



These seem to have a few barebone laptops at decent prices. If anyone finds another good site or info on this subject feel free to post.
