which notebook to get


Dec 9, 2005
I play eq2 and world of warcraft. Which notebook should i get? Amd or intel? Where should i get it from?(dell,alienware,...) What processer speed?

You dont need something that fast. If your aiming to save money, even something as low as a processor with 1.8-2.0 GH is probably more then enough. If you want something to insure you for awhile, aim for something higher. Another thing to look at is getting a tower. Its simply easier to overclock, and that makes something cheaper a few .1 GHZ faster. Just look into it. ^.^
Umm, AMD/Intel is less important in a laptop for your use than the graphics card in it. Get a good graphics card and take the rest of the laptop that comes with it.

It'll be good if you can afford a sata HDD running at 7200rpm. There are several on the market. About the rest i agree with the written above.
Other thing is that you specify too little info about the needs and the budget you have for this machine+)
5000$?! OMG this is a year and a half comfortable living here+)kidding
http://www.gamepc.com/shop/systemfamily.asp?family=noteb2 - the most powerfull but least portable notebook. Equipped with the 7200 sata i told you about will be perfect.
http://www.gamepc.com/shop/systemfamily.asp?family=noteb8 those are both portable and powerfull and energy efficient.
I'm giving you a basic idea about the components it should have. About the brand-Acer are reliable and cheaper than dell or alienware or ibm so try with them.
I would take a good, hard look at the Acer offerings. They do appear to offer most bang for the buck. You can even purchase an extended warranty out to 3 years that covers accidents as well for about $175. That's fairly cheap insurance, even though I think they're pretty good to start with. 8)
You can look at the offerings from Fujitsu-Siemens also, they have good prices for what they offer=]
Since this is a notebook that u will probaly take everywhere and you are willing to spend so much, why not spend on a machine thats powerful and looks killer too. I would suggest buyin a machine from http://www.falcon-nw.com/index.asp just look at their gallery and you will be sold...
No offence but that's money for nothing(except maybe the paintings on the lid of the notebook). I mean, that's a real waste. The good look has improved no machine's performance. Besides, I think both Acer and Fujitsu-Siemens make their machines stylish enough but they don't tax you for that. If you want good looking machine you can look at Acer's Ferrari series. Great look, but you pay almost only for the hardware inside, not for the brand:)
You, poor creature, are consumed by the image of what surrounds you. Which obstructs you from seeng their true qualities. Or, maybe you're just going thru puberty. But that's offtopic.
Selecting the 770 model would be just perfect, i just don't see the reason to give extra 300$ just for the lasy 130MHz more.
More. That's giving the wrong money just for the brand. Again. It's stupid. Go at www.gamepc.com -> http://www.gamepc.com/shop/custom.asp?rig=noteb5300

choose the 770 model for the CPU
2x1GB DDRII 533
make the hdd a 100GB 7200 rpm one
add a TV Tuner
and an Audigy2 ZS
and an 802.11G with bluetooth
and a Logitech G7 cordless mouse(best for gaming)
3 566$
Sound like a 770$ less than the Dell. I'd say paying less for a better machine is cool enough.
You, poor creature, are consumed by the image of what surrounds you. Which obstructs you from seeng their true qualities. Or, maybe you're just going thru puberty. But that's offtopic.

What a laugh...considering this comment is in the middle of a thread about a guy willing to spend $5000 on a notebook to play games.
I see no relevant comment from your side neither, my friend. Maybe i should laugh a little bit to your foolish quote too=]]] But that's offtopic as i wrote in the post you quoted=]
Laughing is free, less work than frowning, and never off topic. :mrgreen:

If we can't laugh at ourselves, somebody else will...