Which one would be better and why?


Feb 3, 2006
I am looking to build a new laptop and was wonder which of the following would be better and why:
Asus z92km
MSI 1029

I am a student and use my laptop for notes in class, I also do some graphic work, and my one game that I get to occasionally is Never Winter Nights, so I would like to run it.
I have to step in here. The ASUS does NOT have the better GPU, it isn't even close.

The 7300 is an ENTRY LEVEL graphics card with SHARED memory architecture. The default version of the chip advertised by NVIDIA works at 350MHz and utilizes 700MHz memory with 64-bit interface.

Compare that to the x700 128 Mb video card the 1029 has and it is no contest:

See my post of the x700 vs. the x1400 for complete in depth specs on the x700. To sum it up it has 128 bit dual channel video memory interface, 8 pipes, 6 vertex shaders.

The "Cystal Shine" screen on the ASUS looks like dog, compared to the BriteView Glossy screen of the 1029. Not to mention the 8x DVD burner standard on the 1029, it's a no brainer.


Thanks for the help, I was unsure about video cards, and I can't seem to find anything on the 7300 go. So I am guessing that the 64mb dedicated isn't enough, my current laptop has a Geforce2go with 8mb. I want to be able to run Never Winter Nights on it. I am also looking at build quality. From the looks of it your laptops are based on the MSI, is it well built? My current, a dell, case cracked within about 3 months of carrying it in my backpack designed to carry laptops in, lots of padding. Do you have any experience with the Asus or seen any tests on it?
One of the reasons we chose this chassis is that it is light and tough. It is magnesium so you aren't going to have a problem especially if you have it in a backpack. Here is a link to the chassis page so you can read a little about the quality of KillerNotebooks.

We built ASUS systems for a while, and we can custom build you one. They have a new model that has a carbon fiber case that is pretty sweet. We moved away from ASUS, not because they weren't good machines, but because we feel this chassis has a great screen, the case is well manufactured and tough.

NeverWinter Nights is a sweet game, I got hooked on Baulders Gate and the expansion packs and it absorbed a nice chunk of my life :lol:

Hey KillerNotebooks, do you guys build Acer laptop's too? I'm looking into the Acer Ferrari 4006; it's got a KICK @$$ Turion 40, 2.2 GHz.
Also, I noticed that your website doesn't seem to be offering the new ATI Radeon X1600, which is supposed to replace the X700. Are you thinking of offering that anytime soon?
We can build any custom system you desire. But Acer exclusively holds right to their Ferrari, I can't build you one of those.

I'm glad Acer finally moved from the ML-37 to the 40, that was definately due. It is a sharp looking system. Their Ez-Port docking station is awesome, I am working with our manufacturer to offer a single connect docking solution for our line.

I am trying to convince them that a ExpressCard docking solution that had USB 2.0, SATA (for external enclosures), VGA, DVI, PCMCIA 2.1, ExpressCard Slot, S-Video, wired Gigabit LAN, PS/2 ports, etc would be very marketable.

To answer your question on the x1600, YES, in March we will be offering a KillerNotebook with 256 MB x1600 WSXGA 1680 x 1050 resolution and an ExpressCard Slot. Those are the major upgrades.
wow killer, that's gonna kick some major ass...we'll see if i can hold out til u start releasing those, i really want a lappy now~