So im building a PC (specs in my other thread comment on it) and I'm planning on buying a VR now I've done some research and the vive and the oculus rift are the ones I am most interested in. Now from what I can see the oculus cost less and has better remotes. While since the vive has been "out there" longer it has more titles available and has a better sensing area for the vr "world". These two are really killing me because I don't know what to get. The games I am most definently getting are mostly fps or in the genre of action so I'm wondering which would be a better choice. Now in payday I've seen the usually version were you just teleport around (vr version of course) but I've also seen a version which you can actually walk around without teleporting and other games like that. Im not sure if id have enough room to walk around (like in superhot) but there are things I don't know so fill me in with suggestions on what to get thanks!