White House To Announce Smart Grid Initiative

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If you are worried about the government spying on your power consumption and thinking your a pot farmer, then buy a generator or stop growing pot. If your worried about the government controlling how much xbox you can play, tv you can watch, or hot water you can use then please put your tinfoil hat back on.

Why would anyone care how much electricity you use? The world doesn't revolve around you, and no one cares.
[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]I don't think you know what a Marxist government looks like. Marx' ideal was a small state, smaller even than the Tea Party wants today. In his opinion, an advanced society didn't even need a government: the people could make up their own minds and stand for themselves. It didn't quite work out that way though... Maybe something 'small state'-fans should keep in mind?Oh, and a smart grid doesn't control your thermostat. You do. A smart grid only deals with one question: how do we get power from the production site to your doorstep with limited loss and high reliability. If you want to waste power, the smart grid doesn't stop you. I hope your civic pride and sense of duty do however. Or your wallet, that works too.[/citation]

a smart grid could over time, make power cost less than it does now, sadly its 11 cents a kwatt here. state average is 9... if i had 9 i would blast air conditioning till the house (or at least room im in) is 55-60, i love being cold.

[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]1) A smart grid doesn't have to do that. It's handy and can be used for a plethora of positive applications (including analysis of consumption habits in a particular area so demand can be easily adjusted, amongst many others).2) Your utility keeps that data too. Does that bother you less than the government owning it does? That's odd, companies tend to use data to make a profit from them, the government doesn't. Oh, and how is your privacy breached by knowing how much power you use? If what appliances I use and when I use them were being tracked, okay, that'd bother me a bit. But my total power consumption? I'll post it on the internet if it interests you, nobody can do anything with it anyway...[/citation]

total power consumption, could track drug manufactures, as many drug manufacturing areas use 3X the power of near by residents. it would suck to use more power and have a police raid because of it, but it may take some pot or meth off the street... which can be seen as a good and bad thing, depending where you fall on that issue.

[citation][nom]Silmarunya[/nom]That's exactly what a smart grid (assuming it's not built by utilities) is hoping to avoid. If a smart grid is built and complemented with increased installed capacity (renewable, please), such issues won't matter anymore.Oh, and something should be done about current gen AC systems. I've seen several high performance, low power consumption designs, yet most people seem to choose traditional energy wasting designs. Why?[/citation]

faster, cheaper upfront, so on and so forth. really, its because people just dont know.

[citation][nom]mister g[/nom]I've been reading most of your comments in other posts and a common trend I see is the fact that really, you hate the current administration. I'm not going to say post somewhere else cuz you're free to do it wherever you like but please if you're going to rant about anything please back it up.[/citation]

thank you.

[citation][nom]Hamcock[/nom]i dont know why every1 is so against obama, if you people ACTUALY get proper info, not the half truths you get on the radio etc...you will see that obama has done many great things since he has been elected. but there is no point in saying everyday well obama did this succesfully, and obama did that sucesfully. that would be idiotic.so as press always has been and forever will be, its all about the failures/shocks/stories that would affect your judgement.no i dont live in america, i live in south africa im a prejudice racist yet i will shake obama hand anyday and congratulate him. if you people want to see a country with failure of government look at my country. atleast once a month theres a corrupt government official. then they spend BILLIONS on renaming streets cuz when the word is in english its racist, but once its a khosa(which only our blacks understand) then its not racist anymore?so please stop saying obama doesnt know what he is doing, for you are just a small media sheep, that gets little information no matter how obscure it is you will believe its the truth.hence i always encourage people to read about something from multiple sources, cnn,sky, google, wiki, forums, newspapers, radio, internet. the more sources you have for information the easier you would be able to see a false storie and also you will find alot of interesting news that wasnt affected by the main media shepard.sorry about long comment, but i had to get that off my chest so that these people can atleast stop for 2 seconds and think for themselves.[/citation]

[citation][nom]ReggieRay[/nom]Knowing this Marxist/Socialist regime they will want smart a thermostat in your house so big brother can monitor you and remotely control it.[/citation]
they already do it, but it's an option to save $ on your electric bill called 'off peak' for NSP/excel energy
i copied and pasted all your guys comments to a former neighbor who operates and manages 2 nuclear plants, he said thanks for the laughs and to 'keep your tin foil hats on' and the next time a storm or heatwave causes a black out you can thank yourselves and the tinfoil hats you wear.
also every power company tracks your useage so they know when to throw more coal in the furnace or ramp up activity in the power plants hours before you flip the switch.
it also helps them manage ordering coal supplies and shipments as well as not running peak production while every one is sleeping and there is no demand. if they guess and are wrong parts are wearing out and energy is being pissed into the ground and out of your wallets for nothing.
personally from my experience, since the new electronic meters have gone in, i see the nuclear and coal plants not pouring out huge billowing clouds of steam all day long or at night or holidays or week ends. the fact that your KWH rate has not doubled and tripled in price every year for the last 15 years like other oil base products have.
these monitoring tools have also led to different types of power plants such as hydro electric dams run off of collector lakes where during the day it produces power during peak demand at at night while other plants are cooling off their furnaces and would be running idle generators they use those other plants extra power to pump water back up to the main lake from the lower lake it drained into during the day. i know this for a fact as my dad help build this for the tennesee river valley authority.
this is but a part of the 'smart grid' you're all hating on. do you feel stupid yet?
[citation][nom]Hamcock[/nom]i dont know why every1 is so against obama, if you people ACTUALY get proper info, not the half truths you get on the radio etc...you will see that obama has done many great things since he has been elected. but there is no point in saying everyday well obama did this succesfully, and obama did that sucesfully. that would be idiotic.so as press always has been and forever will be, its all about the failures/shocks/stories that would affect your judgement.no i dont live in america, i live in south africa im a prejudice racist yet i will shake obama hand anyday and congratulate him. if you people want to see a country with failure of government look at my country. atleast once a month theres a corrupt government official. then they spend BILLIONS on renaming streets cuz when the word is in english its racist, but once its a khosa(which only our blacks understand) then its not racist anymore?so please stop saying obama doesnt know what he is doing, for you are just a small media sheep, that gets little information no matter how obscure it is you will believe its the truth.hence i always encourage people to read about something from multiple sources, cnn,sky, google, wiki, forums, newspapers, radio, internet. the more sources you have for information the easier you would be able to see a false storie and also you will find alot of interesting news that wasnt affected by the main media shepard.sorry about long comment, but i had to get that off my chest so that these people can atleast stop for 2 seconds and think for themselves.[/citation]
Because hes a communist. Maybe you should stop reading the new york times and watching msnbc and getting your news from jon stewart.

In jan of 2008 obama said he would implement cap and trade and make the energy rates "necessarily skyrocket". Ive seen the man himself ON VIDEO say it. Is that a half truth? He said he'd cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term... he tripled it... ON PURPOSE. only 36% of the people (in the first year of his term mind you) wanted his take over of health care... they passed it anyway. In his legislation they cut 500 billion from medicare... meaning just about the entire medicare budget is gone as of 2019... but Paul Ryan who wants to privatize it to keep it solvent gets attacked? Oh and why is there a tax on purchasing gold in the health care law?

When you understand the logical fallacy of keynesian economics you will understand why his stimulus package didnt work to create jobs. All government spending does is create dependents ON THAT GOVERNMENT. What does that give you? A downward spiral to see who can be the worst off person in the entire country. When the man who has a dollar more than you is your slave but the man who has a dollar less than you is your master you will never prosper.
Just a note to the previous poster: cap and trade is not communism, that's more like socialism. Of course I don't expect the fanatics to understand the difference anyway.

On topic: I've read before that the state of American infrastructure, such as power grids and water pipes are in a dilapidated state. Maybe investment in smart grids can help fix it up.
I remember reading an article about the US power grid about 10 years ago. According to that article your grid havent seen any major investments between 1950 and 2000, hopefully some work have been done since. You are horribly behind Europe when it comes to power transmission.
[citation][nom]mmm2000[/nom]If Us is a socialist/Marxist regime them what do u call China, Cuba or North Korea?[/citation]

Partners in crime?
I'll gladly have my heavy-appliance load reduced during peak power periods for a corresponding reduction in my utility bill.

Just a hint to some of your clowns - your 'peak' demand represents more than 50% of your utility charges, though 'peak' demand time occurs less than 10% of your billing period.

[citation][nom]enkal[/nom]I remember reading an article about the US power grid about 10 years ago. According to that article your grid havent seen any major investments between 1950 and 2000, hopefully some work have been done since. You are horribly behind Europe when it comes to power transmission.[/citation]

How's the golden state doing these days..still golden?

Energy Conservation Legislation and Illegal Immigration
By William Jud
Jun 10, 2009

How do illegal immigration and chain immigration fit the premise of the so-called (and fraudulent) problem of Anthropogenic Global Warming and excess carbon emissions in the United States of America?

That's an easy answer. The estimated 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States burn carbon-based fuels in their daily lives. They cook food, use electricity, drive vehicles, and use energy of all sorts. If all the illegal aliens were deported, and all were offered a window of amnesty during which they could voluntarily return home without being arrested or hassled by government officials, the U. S. population would immediately drop and so would U. S. emission of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gasses. Pollution, crowding, crime, infrastructure maintenance cost, and prices would all drop quickly. If that number also included all people who entered under chain migration the population reduction would be even greater and so would reduction of energy use.

Why does Congress not see the obvious and send the illegals and chain people back home? Congress takes no action because illegal immigration and chain migration are a popular form of political embezzlement.
Now look up predictions for future population demographics in the US, and where they're coming from. In order to feed demand you've got natural resources being consumed at an alarming rate, and the destruction of some of the LAST remaining areas of natural wilderness on the face of this planet. The Latino population alone in California has sky-rocketed over the last couple of decades. But why should real, well-documented issues concern us when we can vote for a president of a country on the basis of him being black? Well, you've seen the result: you don't own your own country - the foreign interests do. So talk about green policy, about how awesome it is to rip up the land and destroy it in the blink of an eye whilst the country drowns in debt. This is progress.
[citation][nom]wild9[/nom] But why should real, well-documented issues concern us when we can vote for a president of a country on the basis of him being black? Well, you've seen the result: you don't own your own country - the foreign interests do. So talk about green policy, about how awesome it is to rip up the land and destroy it in the blink of an eye whilst the country drowns in debt. This is progress.[/citation]

This country has been drowning in debt since the civil war ever president with the exception of Clinton, Carter, and Eisenhower has had "the largest budget ever" and added "more to the national debt then any other president". It has nothing to do with being black, Obama is simply following suite with every other president before him in outspending his predecessor. Investing in green technology and energy independence are keys to the US remaining a world power. I'll also remind you that it is Obama by executive order placing a hold on all new offshore drilling to protect land and has stood to protect federal lands from oil drilling, so no Obama isn't harming the environment.

Here is an interesting fact China invests in green energy by the same ratio as the US does in military spending, meaning that China invests more in energy independence then every other industrialized nation combined. How easy is it to disrupt the US economy? Screw with oil prices and watch us tank. How about this bin Laden was a millionaire who founded Al Qaeda with his fortune, how did he become a millionaire? He inherited it from his father who got rich off of the Arab construction industry which was fueled by the Arab oil industry. Can you see why energy independence is important?

Immigration is a key foundation of this country, your family wild9 were once immigrants who were dirty and worked for cheap (unless of course you're from old money) and took advantage of any and every government program to get on their feet. Every generation goes through this transition of being hated, earning a reputation for working hard, and then their children/grandchildren are assimilated into our culture. At one point being Irish was about as low as you could get, at one time being German was as low as you could get, right now being "Mexican" is as low as you can get in our society but that will change with time. And as long as that 10-20 million are working they're buying goods being sold in US stores, renting houses that pay state real estate taxes, and would love this country wholeheartedly because they have the opportunity to make something better for themselves if only we'd stop vilifying them.
We could stop the charade of needing to "protect our borders" open the process to work legally in this nation and pay all the proper taxes, increase taxes for employers who hire immigrant labor to help US workers keep employed, and realize that the majority of "illegals" in the prison system are linked to drug activity, they will end up there no matter what you do as long as prohibition on drugs remains intact.
[citation][nom]enkal[/nom]I remember reading an article about the US power grid about 10 years ago. According to that article your grid havent seen any major investments between 1950 and 2000, hopefully some work have been done since. You are horribly behind Europe when it comes to power transmission.[/citation]
Its been a while since I have looked into this, but I remember there being huge monetary and regulation hurdles that needs to be passed before you can even begin think about it... And just like how Shell invested 4billion into getting permits to drill for oil only to have the government deny their request, companies are not all ready to jump in and commit billions when there is a very good chance the government will just pull the rug out from under them.
Lovely article. It does such a great job explaining what is meant by a smart grid. At least a little background would help. Anyways...if I know my Marxists, this means that the gov't will be able to monitor your usage and curb or control your supply either by variable rates or variable denial of service (or both.) Don't you just love statism!
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