White screen making laptop unusable as a laptop


Jan 10, 2015
My laptop has been having the issue that when I am playing games. My computer has been turning the screen white, but only on the laptop screen and sound still plays. When I have the computer plugged in through an hdmi cable it transmits just fine. My laptop has both the onboard video and nvidia 760 built into it and switches between them depending on computer/program need. When the white screen occurs sometimes I can put it to sleep for a little bit then come back and it will be ok. However, if I reset the computer the white screen persists through the manual restart. It's a Toshiba satellite p50 with a i7 processor. I currently can't look at the screen due to this issue. I have updated the driver recently through the nvidia ge force experience program. Amy idea of there is a software fix to this out this is a hardware issue?
You can bring it to a laptop repair guy somewhere at your place. There is no explicit way to tell which of the 3 it is without disassembling or at least removing the Display of the laptop which i recommend should be done by a pro.

You can bring it to a laptop repair guy somewhere at your place. There is no explicit way to tell which of the 3 it is without disassembling or at least removing the Display of the laptop which i recommend should be done by a pro.

What the conclusion was was that the motherboard connection was bad since when I took it into a repair shop the guy attempted replacing the monitor, using the old wiring, replacing both wiring and monitor, replacing just wiring, and they all resulted in the same white screen. Funny thing is that periodically the screen will work on its own just fine then randomly stop. I apologize that this was not a clear solution for those looking, but I wish you the best luck in finding the solution.