Why does Dennon keep Replay around?

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Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

> I disagree, by the way I really meant themes. As a programmer I know
> Replay could keep a list of shows it's recorded and I've deleted for at
> least a few months. My Themes are some of the built in ones, such as
> movies now showing. So its pretty damn dumb to keep recording the same
> show over and over. So I consider it bad programming.

Those are "Zone channels", which are even broader than theme channels.
> I can't imagine anyone who would want the same Horror movie recording
> over and over again (I also use their horror and sci fi themes). So it
> is lazy and/or stupid programming. If they don't fix it, I wish would
> give us the source and a way to update there damn program ourselves.
Personally, I am not bothered in the least in having to spend a couple
of seconds deleting dupes. I find it infinitely preferrable to the Tivo
people bitching that a show was pre-empted or moved and the rebroadcast
was not recorded because it thought it was "previously recorded".
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Tony D wrote:
>> I disagree, by the way I really meant themes. As a programmer I know
>> Replay could keep a list of shows it's recorded and I've deleted for
>> at least a few months. My Themes are some of the built in ones, such
>> as movies now showing. So its pretty damn dumb to keep recording the
>> same show over and over. So I consider it bad programming.
> Those are "Zone channels", which are even broader than theme channels.
>> I can't imagine anyone who would want the same Horror movie recording
>> over and over again (I also use their horror and sci fi themes). So
>> it is lazy and/or stupid programming. If they don't fix it, I wish
>> would give us the source and a way to update there damn program
>> ourselves.
> Personally, I am not bothered in the least in having to spend a couple
> of seconds deleting dupes. I find it infinitely preferrable to the Tivo
> people bitching that a show was pre-empted or moved and the rebroadcast
> was not recorded because it thought it was "previously recorded".

Don't misunderstand. I don't want a Tivo. As I understand it the video
quality is much better with my Replay 5080 which I've had 3 years now.
I also love the automatic skipping of commercials, when it works right.
The deleting isn't the issue.

The issue is, it could have been recording something I would have
enjoyed. It's the 2 hours of wasted recording time that tics me off.
Even worse are the shows I never want to watch. I can forgive the first
recording. However, it should notice that I deleted the show. But for
it to keep pushing one movie over and over for a couple of weeks that
it's on HBO is ridiculous.

I like to see that red light on all the time. For my channels of shows
(such as Stargate Atlantis that I just watched), I'm very happy.

So I stand by my analysis that the programming of the zone channel or
whatever you call it was lazy and stupid. As I programmer I hate it
when programmers don't consider the experience of the user of their

I also understand why my friend doesn't use zones. But I'm lazy and not
interested in checking the guide and programming in everything for it to
record. Besides I like surprises, just like I liked to be surprised
back when I channel surfed before I got the Replay.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

> Don't misunderstand. I don't want a Tivo. As I understand it the video
> quality is much better with my Replay 5080 which I've had 3 years now. I
> also love the automatic skipping of commercials, when it works right.
> The deleting isn't the issue.

I'm not misunderstanding. I'm just saying that you wished you had THIS
feature, some people who HAVE this feature wish they didn't.
> The issue is, it could have been recording something I would have
> enjoyed. It's the 2 hours of wasted recording time that tics me off.
> Even worse are the shows I never want to watch. I can forgive the first
> recording. However, it should notice that I deleted the show. But for
> it to keep pushing one movie over and over for a couple of weeks that
> it's on HBO is ridiculous.

I think the idea of the zones was not to set up shotgun recordings, but
to streamline searches and to set shows to record individually. I mean
you would say "record comedies", you'd look at the Comedy "zone" and say
"I want that, and that....and that" and set up Replay or theme channels
> So I stand by my analysis that the programming of the zone channel or
> whatever you call it was lazy and stupid. As I programmer I hate it
> when programmers don't consider the experience of the user of their
> software.
> I also understand why my friend doesn't use zones. But I'm lazy and not
> interested in checking the guide and programming in everything for it to
> record. Besides I like surprises, just like I liked to be surprised
> back when I channel surfed before I got the Replay.

I am never surprised. I record exactly what I want. 70+ percent of
Replay owners have more than 1. I have 6 networked. I never have any
conflicts. All machines have Replay channels and theme channels. I'll
set up Replay channels for the network recurring shows and premiere day
eps on cable channels. Theme channels get past shows or other seasons I
might not have seen. If a series starts which interests me by
description or cast I'll record it even and not get to watch it until
the repeat season. At lunch, I'll log in to my home system and through
DVArchive check for conflicts and set up recordings for anything that
might of showed up which interests me. I haven't watched a live show in