Why I never wanted a TiVo...



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)


TiVo Inc. began testing interactive advertising tools over the weekend
as it looks to appease companies wary of users' ability to skip over

The Alviso company confirmed late Monday that it has released the
first in a series of advertising features to a random and limited
number of subscribers to the digital-video recorder service. The first
test feature, a tag, pops up on the screen when viewers are
fast-forwarding through an advertisement.

If viewers press the thumbs-up or select button during the half-
second the tag is displayed, they will be redirected to a menu that
leads to more information about the advertised product. TiVo said it
is working with only one advertiser, a movie studio.

The interactive features would give advertisers information on
consumer interest. Interactive advertising was part of TiVo's
distribution deal with Comcast announced earlier this month.

The tools will be tested on Series2 TiVo owners only, but once
completed could be applied to Series1 and DirecTiVo customers.
Subscribers can't opt out of the feature, but they can ignore the
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Coppernob <alexnorton@despammed.com> shaped the electrons to say:
>The Alviso company confirmed late Monday that it has released the
>first in a series of advertising features to a random and limited
>number of subscribers to the digital-video recorder service. The first
>test feature, a tag, pops up on the screen when viewers are
>fast-forwarding through an advertisement.

Whoopee - so there is an ad that pops up over... an ad. Real

And if you use 30 second skip, you don't see either ad.

Molehill -> Mountain.

-MZ, RHCE #806199299900541, ex-CISSP #3762
<URL:mailto:megazoneatmegazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me.
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-755-4098
<URL:http://www.megazone.org/> <URL:http://www.eyrie-productions.com/> Eris
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

You know... A lot of folks laughed at the VIC, I mean 5K of RAM and
things like that... However the first REAL computer I ever used was an
IBM 1400 classs.. it had 4K and a good amount of that was "Upgrade"

That VIC was one amazing box. And the 64 more so, I have a few spares
lying about still

Mark Lloyd wrote:

> That "wishlist" feature reminds me of reading a book about the
> Commodore VIC-20 that claimed it had no bitmapped graphics mode. I
> didn't like that, since I'd already been using that mode for a few
> months.

John F Davis, in Delightful Detroit. WA8YXM(at)arrl(dot)net
"Nothing adds excitement like something that is none of your business"
Diabetic? http://community.compuserve.com/diabetes
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

"pjs" <pendejo@_pjsdesigns.com> wrote:

> Personally, I find the RTV user interface to be extremely simple to
> use. Everything is so apparent, it was a long time before I bothered
> to RTFM. After I did, though, it was even better.

Tell me about it. Beyond "wish lists", I completely forgot that the
ReplayTV has Component Video outputs and Progressive Scan options; nothing
like that on TiVo.

Now that I'm looking at EDTV Plasmas, this just makes the RTV all the
more appealing.


NOTE: Remove underscores from my e-mail address to reply personally.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

In article <Xns962FEA3BDCB0jeffsmessages@>,
Jeff Lindstrom <j_r_lind@adelphia.net> wrote:

> Now that I'm looking at EDTV Plasmas, this just makes the RTV all the
> more appealing.

Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

TIVO _needs_ a wishlist... to list all the Replay features it wishes it
had. Maybe it's just me but I think TIVO is to DVRs what AOL is to the
internet... fine for the huddled masses but grossly inadequate to a
thinking user.

From:Jeff Lindstrom

> "pjs" <pendejo@_pjsdesigns.com> wrote:
>> Personally, I find the RTV user interface to be extremely simple to
>> use. Everything is so apparent, it was a long time before I bothered
>> to RTFM. After I did, though, it was even better.
> Tell me about it. Beyond "wish lists", I completely forgot that the
> ReplayTV has Component Video outputs and Progressive Scan options;
> nothing like that on TiVo.
> Now that I'm looking at EDTV Plasmas, this just makes the RTV all the
> more appealing.
> --
> Jeff
> ===================================================================
> NOTE: Remove underscores from my e-mail address to reply personally.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 23:46:35 GMT, John in Detroit
<Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>You know... A lot of folks laughed at the VIC, I mean 5K of RAM and
>things like that... However the first REAL computer I ever used was an
>IBM 1400 classs.. it had 4K and a good amount of that was "Upgrade"
>That VIC was one amazing box. And the 64 more so, I have a few spares
>lying about still

Yes it was. Slow disk drive, though.

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> That "wishlist" feature reminds me of reading a book about the
>> Commodore VIC-20 that claimed it had no bitmapped graphics mode. I
>> didn't like that, since I'd already been using that mode for a few
>> months.

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"The idea that there is an invisible being who
created and still runs this old universe is so
childish, so obviously contrived, that it is hard to
believe anyone with even a modicum of education can
still fall for that scam."
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"Elmo P. Shagnasty" <elmop@nastydesigns.com> wrote:

> http://www.lgusa.com/plasmadvr

(the link is to an integrated HDTV Display and Recorder)

Just about everything I watch these days is not available in HDTV (SciFi
among them) and the HDTV signals I'm seeing on EDTV look all but
indistinguishable from HDTV plasmas.

If I go with an EDTV Plasma (like the Panasonic TH-42PA25U/P), I can keep
my RTV in operation for a good while longer.


NOTE: Remove underscores from my e-mail address to reply personally.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I keep hearing how slow it was... Ok, here is how slow it was... From
power off, Ok, starting with POWER OFF, I flipped the switch and NINE
seconds, yes Seconds later it had booted up, loaded VIDTEX (The software
package I used to contact Compuserve information service) and was
dialing Compuserve. NINE SECONDS. Takes longer than that for my PC's
to finish POSTing (Power On Self Test in case anyone wonders what it
means, I just found out last week)

Now... You want SLOW... Ok Here is SLOW The network we used consisted
of a computer, IBM PC 80286 I think, this computer had a bunch of
daughter cards, Each card was a pair of additional computers, yes,
80286's, and we used remote monitors and keyboards (KVM extension cables)

The program was LOTUS 1-2-3 I worked with about half a dozen files in
round robin format. So... I created a macro (Alt-X, short for eXchange)
to save the current file, and load the next one in sequence.

I'd hit ALT-X, get up, pick up my coffee cup, walk the length of the
office, visit the little room with the plumbing, Wash hands, pick up cup
again and go up to the big room with the plumbing (kitchen one floor up)
fill cup with coffee, back down stairs, full length of office and set
down cup and sit back down,,, And wait for the ready prompt cause it was
not yet ready.

Now that.. IS SLOW

Mark Lloyd wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 23:46:35 GMT, John in Detroit
> <Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>You know... A lot of folks laughed at the VIC, I mean 5K of RAM and
>>things like that... However the first REAL computer I ever used was an
>>IBM 1400 classs.. it had 4K and a good amount of that was "Upgrade"
>>That VIC was one amazing box. And the 64 more so, I have a few spares
>>lying about still
> Yes it was. Slow disk drive, though.
>>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>>>That "wishlist" feature reminds me of reading a book about the
>>>Commodore VIC-20 that claimed it had no bitmapped graphics mode. I
>>>didn't like that, since I'd already been using that mode for a few

John F Davis, in Delightful Detroit. WA8YXM(at)arrl(dot)net
"Nothing adds excitement like something that is none of your business"
Diabetic? http://community.compuserve.com/diabetes
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 01:16:40 -0500, "Kenn" <youbastards@spark.org>

>You never bought a Tivo in the past because of a feature that didn't exist
>until just recently?

Nope, because (and it is no longer the case) Replay had features that
Tivos can only wish for: like no ads, commercial advance and