News Why This Rock Band accessory is selling for $1,000

May 25, 2021
Rock Band is the greatest game for humanity bar none. Band Fuse could have been way better if the community hadn't petered out. I've played Rock Band since the beginning. My kids are learning on a Fatar Keyboard and Roland Drums with Rock Band 3 on 360. I also have the Midi Squier! I also had a video repeater with small LCD screens mounted to each instrument and microphone so everyone could face the audience and stay in sync. :D I even brought my kit down to the Georgia State capital on my cargo bike and played and sang all protest songs.

I have a bunch of Mad Catz for the 360. I'd love to find out why they turn sticky :p

Since they stopped selling music on Xbox 360, I bought a used Xbox One last Christmas to "protect" as much of my music I could and was interested in purchasing more music and keep playing my drums but then I ran into this PDP problem. I would absolutely pay $50 for a controller so I can use my Roland, buy music and use my Xbox One. I'd buy more than one actually. I'd buy 3 to help protect the investment.
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May 25, 2021
This is the main thing holding me back from my true potential as a Rock Band drummer. I've been playing this game from its inception. I have all the games exported plus hundreds if not thousands in DLC. I just recently got an E-Kit and found this problem and the ridiculous price people are charging for something that should have been more widely distributed. But reading this article really shed some light on the situation and seeing that they only made around 6000 adapters is shocking. I'm with the guy who commented before me. I would 100% buy one and probably 2 or 3 more. Now let's start a petition and make this happen!
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