Why won't my new HDMI tv run at 60fps?


Sep 20, 2012
First of all, this is what I have:


So here's what I'm confused about. Every time I visit a friend or family, when I watch their TV's, they run super smooth. 60fps, true motion smooth. Many are Vizio's as well. I have my tv set as a second monitor on my PC, though so does one of my friends.

However, I don't get that smoothness on my TV. Some people call it the soap opera effect, but that's what I'm looking for. I downloaded svp and that kinda works. It leaves blurry images/aquare gibberish (hard to describe)looking behind. But games or Netflix doesnt run sooth.I don't know why but it drives me nuts. If you know how to help I will hail you as the new King of Earth. suggestions?
Tried turning on clear Action. It cause the tv to fade a little and... Become fuzzy? Vibrate? It's hard to describe. It's like watching it as if you were recording it on your phone. But, still no 60fps. Didn't seem to make a difference