Wi-Fi-Hopping Malware Behaves Like Actual Virus

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Jun 25, 2012
Infecting a router is a big deal and provides the owner of the virus with a ton of sensitive information. Some things a hacker could potentially have access to would be all login credentials, HTTP code injection, using the infected network for DoS attacks, DNS spoofing, etc. all remotely without the need for an MitM attack. Potentially this is huge as previously the above exploits would only be possible if you are connected to the wireless network locally, but with the virus you can sit at home with access to millions of WiFi networks and harvest credentials in bulk.


Sep 13, 2010
Infecting a router is a big deal and provides the owner of the virus with a ton of sensitive information. Some things a hacker could potentially have access to would be all login credentials, HTTP code injection, using the infected network for DoS attacks, DNS spoofing, etc. all remotely without the need for an MitM attack. Potentially this is huge as previously the above exploits would only be possible if you are connected to the wireless network locally, but with the virus you can sit at home with access to millions of WiFi networks and harvest credentials in bulk.
No offense or anything and not trying to be harsh, but is your comment an extension of the article? yes we know it has a potential to be bad.
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