Wich one is better?


Feb 15, 2010
Hello. The reason i am posting is because i need help to choose a laptop.
My idea is to use it for gamming and work. I know that some people think the laptops i want are not for extreme gamming, but i seen videos of people playing the newer games fluently, mi idea is to play not to have the highest graphics.

I checked these 2 models i liked and are in the amount of money i can pay. I want to know wich one is better for you?

Both are similar but of course one is asus wich i heard its makes good laptops and the other one is samsung wich i dont trust enough because i dont know the quality of the laptop.

Asus K52JC
Samsung R480

Help me choose between these 2 laptops.
Thanks in advance.
I assume that the Samsung comes with an i3 and the Asus comes with an i5? If not, post the specs of each laptop. Never the less out of the two, I'd shoot for the Asus, as it appears from the specs to be a superior laptop for gaming purposes. It should get the job done for medium settings on most games.


Feb 15, 2010
Both have a core i3 350m, 3gb ram DDR3, Geforce 310m 512 gddr3 video card (Asus k52jc has 1gb video ram) dedicated, both have a 320gb hdd.

The video 310m i seen lots of videos of actual games running smooth with no problem, but the reviews says that its very limited i dont know if this is true. (if someone had the experience or used this pc i will be greatfull if it tells me if it good)

What i been reading is that asus keyboard is not as good as the samsung one. Another thing is that samsung sound is very bad.