will not shutdown


Nov 1, 2016
My Aspire one cloudbook 14 will not not shut down it just keeps showing the shutting down sign and the spiralling dots
OK Try these steps and see if it helps resolve your problem....

1. Run "Windows Update".

If #1 doesn't fix the problem, try the steps 2-6...

2. Go to "Control Panel" and then select "Trouble Shooting".

3. On this screen, under System and Security, click "Fix Problems with Windows Update".

4. Now click "Trouble Shoot as an Administrator".

5.If there were issues, this should fix them. You will then see a green circle with a check mark saying it was fixed.

6.You can now exit this screen, restart the laptop and wait to see if it still has a shut down issue.

If the issue persists, try the steps 7-9...

7. In "Control Panel", then "Trouble Shooting" and finally "System and Security".

8. Here you want to click "Run Maintenance...
OK Try these steps and see if it helps resolve your problem....

1. Run "Windows Update".

If #1 doesn't fix the problem, try the steps 2-6...

2. Go to "Control Panel" and then select "Trouble Shooting".

3. On this screen, under System and Security, click "Fix Problems with Windows Update".

4. Now click "Trouble Shoot as an Administrator".

5.If there were issues, this should fix them. You will then see a green circle with a check mark saying it was fixed.

6.You can now exit this screen, restart the laptop and wait to see if it still has a shut down issue.

If the issue persists, try the steps 7-9...

7. In "Control Panel", then "Trouble Shooting" and finally "System and Security".

8. Here you want to click "Run Maintenance tasks" and then "Trouble Shoot as an Administrator".

9. Again if fixed, close the window, and try shutting down the laptop to see if will shut down correclty now.

If it is still not fixed, try steps 10-11...

CAUTION: READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. You may want to have pen and paper handy to write down those Apps and/or programs that may well be deleted and you may need to redownload/reinstall. If you do not feel comfortable with these steps, try skipping on to 12-19 to try them first. If they do not fix the problem, then come back to 10-11.

NOTE: These steps may take quite a while to complete, to be patient.

10. Go to Windows "Search" and type in "Reset this PC". (Without the quotes.)
11. You should see it at the top of the list.

If this doesn't fix the problem then you may want to consider having the device looked at by a professional.

CAUTION: These options are a tad more invoved and go deeper into your computer. If you don't feel comfortable doing them yourself, then I suggest you seek assistance. The upside, versus 10-11, no programs/apps will be removed.

12. Go to Windows "Search" and type in "msconfig". (Without the quotes.)
13. Click to open "msconfig". It should show at the top of the list.
14. Here click on the "Services" tab".
15. On the bottom left of the window you should see "Hide all Microsoft services". Check the box next to it.
16. Next you want to 'uncheck' any/all 3rd party programs. Anything that you installed, or had someone install for you, on the laptop.
17. DO NOT uncheck "Intel", "NVIDIA" or "AMD" services.
18. Now click "OK".
19. Finally choose to shut down the computer, and see how long it takes.

If this resolves the problem, you are then going to have to do the same (12-19), but in reverse, to turn on all the services you turned off. Be sure you don't turn them all on at once. This will leave you still not knowing which one is the culprit.

Repeat steps 12-19 to turn each 3rd party program back on, until you get to the one that causes the problem again. Once you have found the offending program, you can uninstall it.
