every day when i turn on the pc, a webpage in chrome pops up with this msg:
This site can’t be reached
windowsdefender.club’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for windows defender club warning download
and this is the link of what is trying to open:
windowsdefender . club/warning/download.php?mn=5623
any idea what it is or what to do?
i checked everything installed
i used my nod32 with full scan.
This site can’t be reached
windowsdefender.club’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for windows defender club warning download
and this is the link of what is trying to open:
windowsdefender . club/warning/download.php?mn=5623
any idea what it is or what to do?
i checked everything installed
i used my nod32 with full scan.