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On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 11:36:15 GMT, John in Detroit
<> wrote:
>Display Name wrote:
>> I ended up shutting down the MAC address filtering momentarily. Once the
>> NIC was able to attach to the network, I got the MAC address, added it to
>> the 'allow' list and switched filtering back on. Thank all of you for your
>> help. I am sure I will be back here for more advice.
>> I now need to figure out how to get this thing to record to my DVD burner.
>> But first I will look around and try and figure it out for myself.
>> "Mark Lloyd" <mlloyd@5xxxmail.com5xxx> wrote in message
>(and re: the poster who said "Did you notice my earlier reply" No, sorry
>I did not, Ok, the USB port does not even provide power (Well, to be
>honest the only reason I'd have for checking is for the heck of it, no
>use for it personally)
I checked mine for that reason, and to be able to answer people's
questions. I had a USB-powered light used for laptops.
>How to get this thing to record to my dvd burner... This depends
>entirely on your dvd burner of course... If it's a stand alone "DVD
>Recorder" then you have more dollars than I do and the only way I know
>of is real time, line out (Use the best video out that the DVD can take
>as an input)
The Replay will act just like it would with a VCR.
> if it's the one built into or plugged into your computer...
>Well.. That's how I do it.
I use my computer to make DVDs (I don't have a stand-alone DVD
recorder, which costs more and is less versatile).
>Step one is to download a program called DVArchive (
Note that to get it to work right, your (computer) firewall will need
to pass connections to the uPnP port ( Some firewalls
will already do that. Others need settings changerd.
>You will also need the current version of Sun Java running on your
>system (Before you fire up DVA, note, no java, DVA simply does not work)
>Next you need software that can burn DVD's ... My system has NERO on it
I use Ulead DVD Movie Factory 3 (came with my DVD burner), which seems
to be the bast I've tried (better than the one you get with Nero). It
burns as well as authors.
>Finally with SOME burning software (Example NERO) you will need to
>install some additional CODECS,,, Elcard's Moonlight decoders work well
Additional CODECs may be unnecessary. Try it first. I didn't install
any. I use VideoLAN for playing videos.
Note that some programs will show an incorrect aspect ratio on
Standard Quality recordings. They will still play fine from DVD.
>Now... Burn away
Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh