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In article <>, says...
>I have a living room that's decorated 18th century. Well all except for the
>component sound system, and 3 foot speakers ;^) The sound system is giving
>out and it's time to buy a new one.
>My first thought was to buy a small unit and hide it in a cabinet. Something
>like the Cambridge 740 or the Bose Wave radio.
>But then I saw that one can buy transmitters/receivers that take the speaker
>signal and transmit to speakers in another room. It woud be much easier for
>me to hide speakers than a whole system.
> But my question is:
>Do these wireless systems degrade the sound quality a lot? I'm not an
>audiophile and I don't need a primo system. But it would be nice if the
>sound was decent.
Wireless speakers need to be powered somehow, so you will have to either
run wires to an outlet, or re-charge a battery often. Wireless speakers
could sound very good, but that will depend on their design. Right now, I
would never consider wireless speakers because to me their benefits do not
make up for their drawbacks. I would suggest you listen to the speakers
before you buy. You should also ask a lot of questions on the installation
of the speakers.