WLMM Blurred Photo's ?


Sep 4, 2009
As the title suggests I'm running into an issue when I take perfectly clear 1080p res screenshots into WLMM and it for some dumb reason it blurs them taking away nearly all the detail, I have even encoded a video to see if it was just the viewing window in WLMM but its not, it encoded it blurred. So with that said I'd like to know if there's a way I can get it to not blur my pictures ? I've been looking literally all day on Google for an answer and have yet to find 1 that actually works as resizing the pictures doesn't change the end result.

Yup here's one of the pictures, captured with Fraps to a JPEG (1920x1080 res)


The detailing on my shield almost totally blurs out when I move it into WLMM its really annoying and the effect stays in the encoded video 🙁.

I'm wondering would it be better to save as a PNG instead ?
These are JPEGs taken during play not from a video file, the video file I've added for this is a fraps AVI. My only issue is with the screenshots blurring out when put into WLMM. I'll convert the JPEGs to a TIFF an see what that does.


I just checked a few as a TIFF and the effect is the same so it has to be WLMM causing it, but why in the hell would they have there program do that ? I can't even edit the profiles to adjust it even with the profile editor and the options are really limited as there aren't any for pictures 🙁. With that said I think I'm ganna dig out my Sony Vega 10 Pro I got lying around somewhere an see what it can do *though WLMM is ALOT easier to use C_C lol* still I hope to get this issue resolved if possible lols.
I think I have an idea of what's happening now and it just accrued to me as I was looking over my pictures again, I noticed that the blurred effect was the same in windows photo viewer as it was in WLMM, but once I hit the *Actual Size* tab all the detail returns. so my question is, is photo viewer effecting how WLMM uses my pictures ? or is this just coincidence ?


These were taken from an AVI playing in WMP at full screen hope this is what you wanted by static (pretty sure lol)



Nice I use a number of tools/editors/encoders for video etc but WLMM always was the easiest I just recently got Sony Vegas 11 Pro from my brother an will be looking into it a bit more seems pretty complicated C_c lol but I have also been using Handbrake for quite some time Very handy tool to have 😀. An thanks for the link I'll look into it in a bit just finishing up a late Thanks Giving dinner 😛 lols.

Only time I re-encode to an AVI is if I'm taking an FPS1 or Fraps AVI to another PC and need it as raw as possible *for who knows what reason* cause if you move a Fraps AVI straight over and the other PC doesn't have fraps then you can't play it c_c...ya really dumb lols. Also when I'm finished editing a file I usually either use 1 of 3 major formats, MKV, WMV or MP4s, I just wish I had more then 4GBs of ram >.> good thing DDR3 is pretty cheap LOL, an that my board support 32GBs 😵 cause that's tempting to fill up haha.