Would you buy a Google Glass ?


Apr 8, 2014
The futuristic wearable tech we have all dreamed of is just a stones throw away . Starting 9 a.m. ET on Tuesday, April 15, Google will briefly open Glass purchases to the general public. Would you go ahead and shell out $1500 on this "limited" version ?
No.... seems useless to me.

And Reynod is right, they look stupid... .and you'll look stupid when you'll talk to your glasses too.
I agree with you. This is the most idiotic thing to come out of the technology we have today. Completely stupid!

So is my mickey mouse tumblers I own.A collectors item now.

We're classics Marv! :)

Some of these new Toms members, I've got shoes older than they are! :lol:


I have working PC's older than some of these guys.
I will be 70 years old on August 13.Time flies.

I'll be 62 on December 13.

Marv since you were also born on the 13th I take it you're not superstitious?

Friday the 13th has always been good for me not bad, so my own views regarding superstitions went out the window a long time ago.

Probably turning 50 was a realization point for me seeing as how I was a half Century old////!, @%4#&%, it was a mental dilemma!, but as in everything as you get older, it quickly became past history! :)


Congratulations Doggy! (I have a pair of shoes older than you! It's the shoes I got married in, and this November, 23rd, God Willing, my wife and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, and I'll be wearing them again as they still fit just fine!) :)



So happy to hear about your anniverasry. 25 years of happiness and joy!

Hope with goes well that day! Doing something great for you old lady?
Mazel Tov which in Jewish means the best of luck.