xbox 1 or ps4 ?

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Jul 20, 2015
I want to get a console to play games but i dont know which one i should take.I know that the ps4 has better gpu and cpu than the xbox 1 but, i dont like the ps4 controller and i like the xbox 1 software and games more.I dont know if i should give up performance for just my opinion .Also a lot of my friends have xbox 1.
Either way wait until after E3, there will be a new PS4 that will support 4k and a new Xbox slim (and an upgraded Xbox in 2017 to make the ps4 nero), both of them should drive the price of the "classic" ps4/xbox one prices down. I will say this currently the Xbox one can play a small number of xbox 360 games (the list is growing) so if you didn't game during the ps3/xbox 360 you can still pick up some cheap games for the Xbox 360 that can play on the Xbox one.

Other than look at the current games and games coming out to see what you would like to play laying back on a couch, both systems require a yearly fee of $60 (MSRP you would be able to find 40-50 deals all the time) to play online. There must have been a reason you are even...
Console choice tends to go by social pressure rather than hardware, so in your case, probably XBox. Having said that, if you can I'd wait to see if the mid-life refresh details are firmed up and you can pick up the 1.5 or whatever it will be called.
If your friends use the X1 then get that as well. I own all consoles but I'm going to sell the X1 as soon as the exclusive titles come out on PC, which should be soon, considering I got a gaming PC as well. However, the 2 free titles every month is a nice thing, sometimes good titles too, like AC Black Flag, Tomb Raider, and so on, but I'm gonna sell mine.

^ They're going to update the HDMI version to support 4k blu rays, and HDR, for sure, because Sony are doing that for their PS4. You can't currently watch copy protected 4k content at all on either X1 or PS4, includes Netflix and other streamers.
4k blue rays still cost a lot so the price of the units won't be cheap.

I have a ps4 but haven't turned it on all year. The number of games is just too low to keep me interested. If I wanted indie games I have steam and PC for those and many on PS4 are just old pc games.

the hardware difference isn't that great, its still 4 year old AMD gear with slightly more ram. Consoles don't sell based on hardware, its the games so buy which ever one has the games you want to play :)
There's no price premium for 4k blu ray discs, compared to blu ray. They're pushing it hard, we should see a lot of titles in a very short period of time. If you want expensive, then look at the DVD's pricing over time, launched higher priced than blu ray, dropped price slower than blu ray. Over here where I live, I can get a new release in 3D on blu ray cheaper than going to the cinema. That includes a digital copy, and extras. This was caused by the format war. Blu ray is NOT expensive, people are just spoiled by streaming.

Look at what you get for £19.99

4k blu ray disc
regular blu ray disc
digital copy (full movie downloadable online)

Still think it's expensive? You get 3 copies of the same movie for £19.99....
In 2006, when the first blu ray player launched, it was $1000.
2016, the 4k blu ray players retail for $400. And that's just for now, prices are going to drop fast, this is purely to make extra money of those that are willing to upgrade right now, expecting them to accept the premium.

Of course you're paying a premium for 4x higher quality, and a billion more colors available to display. But logically, it's not expensive, even if they right now are priced higher than regular blu ray players. They're a steal to those that care, because linearly they should be priced at $4000, and even higher for the billion extra colors.

I do see your point though, but it's just not that logical of an argument in my opinion, absolutely no offense!
I had a ps4 last year but sold it after a while and put the cash towards a socket 1150 board and i5 4460, I now have an i7 and my dad has the i5.

I was just getting sick of the 30fps games, Sony promised the console would be a 60fps console at 1080p but the only games I played that played smooth at 60fps was battlefield 4 and plants vs zombies garden warfare... total waste of a console. I do admit the last of us was amazing..

Neither, I would buy a custom PC. With that said, I'm by no means aftter the best graphics. I still play Skyrim on my Xbox 360, despite owning a beast gaming PC. I even have Skyrim on PC, but Xbox 360 still gets a lot of attention from me.

Only you can answer that I'm afraid, but you'll DESTROY the console performance, look at the new GPU's, and CPU's if that tells you anything!

I know how that kind of feels like in the way of video gaming, I have a handful of close friends but none play video games.

You can look into clans online because I joined a clan when I played on Xbox then again when I moved to PS4
depends on what games you like. if you like games like halo and gears of war get xbox. if your into games like uncharted, god of war or even ratchet and clank get the PS4. it all depends on what exclusives you like. although i did eventually buy a cheap 360 after having a PS3 for years and found i didn't play it much
Either way wait until after E3, there will be a new PS4 that will support 4k and a new Xbox slim (and an upgraded Xbox in 2017 to make the ps4 nero), both of them should drive the price of the "classic" ps4/xbox one prices down. I will say this currently the Xbox one can play a small number of xbox 360 games (the list is growing) so if you didn't game during the ps3/xbox 360 you can still pick up some cheap games for the Xbox 360 that can play on the Xbox one.

Other than look at the current games and games coming out to see what you would like to play laying back on a couch, both systems require a yearly fee of $60 (MSRP you would be able to find 40-50 deals all the time) to play online. There must have been a reason you are even thinking about a console so up to you if you think it worth it.
If you can live without your a lot of your friends then get PC 100%. Consoles are inferior, overpriced pieces of crap. PC at the same price smashes a console to absolute shreds, spend a bit more and you are laughing! You won't believe the difference between the graphics, fps and such PC vs console, it will be like god had ascended in to your gaming. If you are even remotely considering PC, have a look here and ask around, its a great community
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