Xbox One Day One Edition Unboxed Ahead of Release

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You also paid twice as much for a 780... SMH.

I don't think it's a bad thing that microsoft did another 180 with the chat headset thing, but it should have been included from the get go. This shouldn't be good news. They should not get any credit for changing their mind. The public needs to keep pressure up to keep the one changing until it becomes a viable competitor, especially for hardcore gamers that dont care about kinect.
@Fatboytyler Honestly, I like that they're using a power brick. The Xbox One case has an open air design that partially relies on passive cooling, it's designed to run whisper quiet. Cramping up the case with a power supply and adding in another fan to make more noise would be detrimental in my opinon. The PS4 did just that, they've got a power supply and it's crammed in an even smaller case. I feel like the PS4 will either run hotter or noisier than the Xbox One, I don't see how that's avoidable. Personally, since I use my consoles as much for media consumption as for gaming, I want the quiter running console, and gaming press that got to see the Xbox One running in a quiet room at the Redmond Campus back in May said the Xbox One was barely audible over ambient noise, and I don't think the small overclock the GPU recieved is going to increase fan speed enough to change that much.
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