There were tons of glitches in the game, camera angles that never showed your troops, battles on the 4 story ship where you could not see the enemy because the roof obscured your view, line of sight issues where the enemy could shoot through a wall or closed door at you.
The game had its problems but my biggest problem with x-com enemy unknown, was that you could sit down on a Saturday morning at 8am, install the game and eat breakfast. Start playing around 9am, take a break for lunch around noon, eat lunch and take a nap. Start playing again at 2pm and be done with the game in time for dinner.
The game was way way to short, @$10/hour for entertainment I will go to a movie instead. Sorry enemy within, you get an instant fail based from me. An 8 hour campaign is barely acceptable in fps games, why should it be acceptable in single player turn based strategy games?