how do you send all the yahoo emails to gmail and then have gmail send the good ones back to yahoo? at this time i have gmail sending all my gmail to yahoo but is it possible to force all the email to gmail and them let gmail filter them and send back what gets thru?
i have filters set up in the basic yahoo email and what id id was just make a title called spammers and in that filter i just keep adding items for the spam i get. and i leave a comma and a space.
like this below so is that the correct format if now hwo should that format look?
Camplejeunesuit, camp,leaf filter,ACE Hardware. gummy bears, sale, cvs, perks, sale, congratulation,insurance,ed,erection,medicare,free,save,65,over,over 65,
i have the filter set for contains in the from the subject and the body and maos of the time yahoo will not let me save a new component to that above section. i click spam all day long and they just change a part and it gets thru. so i was under the understanding that i had to format them this way. maybe this is not correct. yahoo limits the to 500 filters and that can get filled up fast. i have had blocked email get booted out of the blocked section and then start getting thru again so that is why i want to add filters.