Your thoughts on the best laptop around the $2000 price range


Aug 27, 2008
Hi Guys,

For the price range around US$ 2000 and the following specs, what are your recommendations?

The size doesn't have to be extra small or anything. Pretty much any size will do.
The laptop will be used occasionally for some creative stuff since I work in advertising and marketing; for viewing high resolution presentations and a little editing as well.
Battery life is not very important as it should be connected to a power supply outlet for the most part. But I would say a minimum 3 hours should be good if the need arises.
Don’t usually have time to play games but I do have the Indiana Jones PC game that I would like to play someday again. Its just that as I went into the last few levels the computer started to freeze so the new one should be able to cope with it and perhaps something new that might tickle my fancy.
I watch DVDs, I view a lot of images, presentations, high res photographs from shoots etc. plus I run multiple editing programs at the same time. So speed is critical to me.
The standard these days is in excess of a 160 GB so I want something around or a bit more
I hope the laptop will last at least two years before I think about a replacement.
I used an ACER and opening and closing it was a pain in the %#$ ( talking about the lid). And plus the caps that hold the two pieces together broke twice over. I have an HP in the office and its smooth as butter when you close the lid.

I also hate laptops that make a lot of noise when they write CD’s or DVD’s. I've seen the MAC carry out the same silently.

I am a bit finicky and would prefer a sleek looking laptop like the MacAir

I hate the mac because I have to leave the screen on ( cant close it) when downloading since as soon as the monitor switches off the network card closes and ends my wifi connection and therefore my dowloads.

As far brands are concerned, no preference here other than a MAC since its SEXY.
I brought an ACER since it was kind of stylish at that time and sleek.
I hate those black monstrosities or the kind that have a reflective cover on the screen that help protect you or something. Here’s a FACT. We all die eventually!

I am currently residing in Bahrain.
Hey if you are after something that is quick and still sexy you should have a look at Voodoo's Envy. It's quite thin like the MacBook Air - thinner in fact I think.

Processor speed is fairly decent at 1.6 GHz. Aside from that - I happen to really love it for its "instant on" which literally lets you turn on your computer and be online or on skype in a second.

Also- something I hadn't seen before is the Voodoo adapter that lets you connect an ethernet cable and access wireless even when its not available. Kind of like a portable router I guess.

It will cost you a bit more than 2K with shipping and everything (starts at $2100 I think)

Thanks Jess, Worminator for your posts.

Never heard of voodoo before and I must say, it's quite a revelation. Will look into it further for sure.

Asus has great customer service. I wonder how good they are in Bahrain though. Will look into that too.

Thank again guys.