


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.fido (More info?)

Anyone know how much the SE Z600 will be? on a Fido Agreement?
Anyone use the phone already.....care to comment??
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.fido (More info?)

> Anyone know how much the SE Z600 will be? on a Fido Agreement?
> Anyone use the phone already.....care to comment??

Yes. Yes. Sweeeet.. It's being release very soon, pricing wont disappoint.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.fido (More info?)

I talked to a rep at Pacific Mall (Markham) today and she said it'll be $450
without an agreement and $200 with 2-years.

She also said they're getting it on Friday (May 7).

Is there anyone using this phone already?


"MaRkiE ShOoTs" <marco@nospam.com> wrote in message
> Anyone know how much the SE Z600 will be? on a Fido Agreement?
> Anyone use the phone already.....care to comment??