How to Configure Roku to Display the Best Resolution Rate for your TV

One of the great advantages of Roku is the high picture quality, but some TV sets are not capable of sustaining HD pictures. There is an auto-adjust display option which can adjust the resolution to the highest rate compatible with your TV set. Let’s show you how use this with your Roku.

1. Press the 'Home' key on Roku Remote
Press the 'Home' button on your Roku remote. A list of options will appear on-screen.

2. Choose the 'Settings' Option
Choose the ‘Settings’ option by moving the cursor up or down.

3. Select the ‘System’ Option
Now Select ‘System’.

4. Now choose 'Advanced System Settings'
A list will open up. Choose the ‘Advanced System Settings’ option.

5. Opt for ‘Auto-Adjust Display Refresh Rate’
Select ‘Auto-Adjust Display Refresh Rate’

6. Select ‘Enable’
You will now see the ‘Enable’ option. Select it, and the ‘Auto-Adjust Display Refresh Rate’ will be enabled.

Things to Remember

● The ‘auto-adjust display refresh rate’ is only available on Roku players which come with the 4K option.
● The default rate at which Roku players stream pictures is 60fps. Fps stands for frames per second.
● Different content is filmed at different fps rates. The original fps of a content is known as its native format.
● When your auto-adjust display refresh rate kicks in and the fps is changed, the screen may momentarily go black.
● You can use the same steps to disable the auto-adjust mode. Simply choose ‘Disable’ in step 6.

Your TV is now ready to display in the highest format available.