How to Rate a Video Title and Delete it on Netflix


Netflix is an American web streaming company that gives viewers access to a vast collection of media. Netflix has a very smooth payment structure with plans for every kind of viewer, and you get the first month of your subscription as a free trial.
Netflix also allows you to rate your favorite video titles. Here’s how to rate a video title, or delete it, on Netflix.

1. Open 'Netflix'
Head over to Log in to your Netflix account, or sign up if you don’t have one yet. Netflix also has a mobile app for both Android and iOS.

2. Hover Over Video
Search a video you want to watch, or hover over the video in your ‘recently watched’, to rate it. Click on the ‘Thumbs Up’ icon to rate it positively, and the ‘Thumbs Down’ to rate it negatively.

3. Navigate to 'Accounts'
Hover over to the profile icon and select ‘Account’ from the drop-down menu.

4. Select 'Ratings'
Scroll down and select the ‘Rating’ option. This will take you to the ‘My Activity’ page where you can check your viewing and rating history.

5. Click on ‘X’ to Delete
Click on the ‘X’ (cross) button to cancel a rating. You can dislike a video here, or change from positive to negative if you have changed your opinion on it.

Rate your content and keep track of the things you love.