The beefy hardware of the Xbox One doesn’t stop Netflix from
getting Error AIP-701. The fixes below work for Xbox One and the new Xbox One
Sign Out Of Netflix
Signing out of Netflix will wipe out any old data that is
tied to Error AIP-701. This is the quickest way to resolve the issue.
1. Go to the Netflix app and press the B button.

2. Select the gear icon on the pop up menu and then Sign Out.

3. Sign back into Netflix
and it try to stream.

Restart The Home Network
Restarting the internet will knock off any device that is
currently online. Make sure to only attempt this fix if there are no devices
currently syncing or downloading data. Once Netflix is opened after this fix,
it will sync with fresh data.
1. Turn off the Xbox One console.

2. Unplug the modem/router and wait a full minute.

3. After the minute is up, plug the devices using this
order; modem, then router.

4. Wait for the device to finish its boot up sequence.

5. Turn on the Xbox One console and try Netflix again.

Connect The Console Directly To The Modem
A bad wireless connection or associated settings can cause
Error AIP-701. Users can get around this by making a direct connection to their
1. Turn off the Xbox One Console.

2. Using an Ethernet cable, plug the console directly into
the modem.

3. Unplug the modem for a full minute.

4. Plug the modem back in and wait for the boot up sequence
to complete.

5. Turn on the console and try streaming with Netflix.