Using the steps below to fix Error AIP-701 will work on all
Roku devices, even the stick variants. The step by step process is the same
even if it is on a different OS.
Restart The Roku
Restarting the Roku using this method works better than just
doing a normal software restart. This will clear out any leftover data that is
causing connection issues with the Netflix app.
1. Unplug the power from the Roku device. Wait ten seconds.

2. Plug the Roku back in and wait for it to finish its power

3. Try to access Netflix again.

Sign Out Of The Netflix App
Signing out of the app will force it to attempt to download
new data once it logs in. Knowing the username/password combo for the account
is required for this process.
1. On the Netflix home screen select the gear icon/Settings.

2. Choose to Sign Out of the account. Make sure to select
the Yes confirmation.

3. Immediately sign back into Netflix.

Restart The Internet Connection
If Error AIP-701 is internet related, restarting the home
connection will get rid of the problem. Using this step by step process will
prevent multiple devices from accessing the internet until it’s fully powered
1. Unplug the devices in this order; Roku, and then

2. Wait a full minute and then plug them in using this
order; Roku, modem and then router.

3. Wait for the modem and router to finish their boot up

4. Netflix should now be working.