Recent content by AGPC

  1. AGPC

    'Hurt Locker' Studio Now Suing Nearly 50K Pirates

    Judge Howell resides in a district that still believes that IP addresses are tied directly to specific people. what a dope. but you really should password protect your internet!
  2. AGPC

    MW3 Deemed Ultra-Violent Based on London Clip

    Well we need to ban it here becasue of the fighting in new york it might offend someone becasue its like 9/11. Dopes
  3. AGPC

    Apple Closer to Launching Cloud Music Service

    and this is why i dont buy apple stuff! bet when it scans if sees if you got a PC or Mac and if you got a PC they said Oh you need to this to us our progam!
  4. AGPC

    CNet: Sony Will Be Hit a 3rd Time This Weekend

    bkm23I wonder if MS has something to do with this, this all hack thing started after the records saying PS3 is selling more then their xbox, and thought of a way to hault Sony sales Umm NO! if they did that and we found out! they we be Ruined!! BTW glad i got a Xbox
  5. AGPC

    Sony: Hackers Exploited Known Vulnerability

    I am a microsft fan but i was looking at buying a PSP NG but if PSN can be hack what about their online database of Buyers?
  6. AGPC

    The 6 Best Things About BlackBerry PlayBook Aren't Good Enough

    loutech4freeI find this article ok.It says great ideas but bad finish/execution.Too bad but BB is the latest in the market and could have taken some hints from iOS and android poor features like ''Back button/feature'' and more.For apples defence, its far from perfect but they were there...
  7. AGPC

    Rumor: Wii 2's CPU, Price and Name Revealed

    i pass the wii over for the xbox and i pass the DS3D over the Sony PsP now 3 years later Sony and Microsoft will make a new Consle and the Wii will be behide
  8. AGPC

    Dell Staff Arrested Over 'Gunman' Publicity Stunt

    Someone could have been KILLED!! what if one of the workers had a Gun and shot?
  9. AGPC

    Report: MSFT, Nokia in 'Final Stage' Discussions

  10. AGPC

    The Real iPad Killer: HP Shows Off the TouchPad

  11. AGPC

    AT&T Fires Back at Verizon in iPhone 4 Battle

    all is fair in phones and war
  12. AGPC

    Chat application using C++.

    youtube it
  13. AGPC

    Smartphone Security: iOS vs. Android

    i dont have a contract and if i did i would get Andriod
  14. AGPC

    Smartphone Security: iOS vs. Android

    Oh no. FLAME WAR