Recent content by BEAUFORD_SAVAGE

  1. B

    Question Aid in repairing Sony Vaio SVE17122CXB display flickers if laptop-floor vibrates

    Hi, I was just wondering what the status of the issue was. Any luck yet?
  2. B

    Question HP Pavillion x360 starts randomly having a black screen with lines going through it that move across the screen. Does anyone know why this is going on

    I can think of 4 possibilities right off the top of my head. But before we get into hardware....... if it is started then left out in the open untouched, will it stay on for any length of time? If not, pulling the hard drive and cloning it would be the best start if you have important on it if...
  3. B

    Solved! 17inch laptop screensize question - confused....

    If you did understand pixels, you would not have even asked the question. Pixels are all the same size? Then how would it be possible to increase resolution? It's done by putting more pixels in the same space. By definition, that means smaller pixels USAFRet Did a great job of explaining...
  4. B

    Solved! Hisense H55A6200UK Thick Black Vertical Line Centre

    Yep makes sense. It looks like your TV is manufactured different than the ones I have seen, where the connections in that area are not able to be disconnected. You do need to be very careful,and not flex the connectors any more than necessary, and the connections at the LCD panel are mostly non...
  5. B

    Solved! Screen turned all black after small fall.

    qq"Is there anything I can do except get it fixed/ buying a new phone? " Why yes!, Yes there is! If you have the hands of a sturgeon, (yes sturgeon, flippers and all) I found this for you. USED BUT WORKING A7 SCREEN Your cheapest option, IF you have the the ability and tools to do fine...
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    Solved! Hisense H55A6200UK Thick Black Vertical Line Centre

    I stand by what I originally said RE: The LCD panel. The reason I said no reason to believe it was not the panel, was that you eluded to no physical damage to the TV. It seemed VERY much like a TCon board issue, and I personally have never seen in all my years a LCD screen go bad, without...
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    Solved! Hisense H55A6200UK Thick Black Vertical Line Centre

    gibbsy09 Well, we know you did blow the Tcon!, But the original problem is still there. SOOOOO That pretty much leaves possible , damage to the Cables going to the LCD panel. It is possible the TV had damaged connections before you got it, making it look like the TC. You have no way to test...
  8. B

    Solved! Samsung QN85A 65" TV settings questions

    You got no manual with the set? A simple Google search found: where there is a downloadable, or online user manual. Take your pick.
  9. B

    Solved! Hisense tv issue

    As every TV is different by manufacturer, you will have to contact the manufacturer, or some other resource if there is a reset , and if so, what it is. May just be a unplugging power down. I believe this is a hardware issue, that no reset will fix, Do you have sound? Also, grab a...
  10. B

    Solved! Live Stream to TV

    "Two cameras to a multiplexer to the tv? " Sure, stores use those multiplexors all the time. But you could use 2 small used computer monitors bought cheap or donated free, and have no down time between front and back door. And then when the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE hits, you would know which door to...
  11. B

    Solved! Screen turned all black after small fall.

    No. the display sounds like it's damaged beyond anyplace but a shop to fix. To verify this, try the only thing left I can think of. Pull the SIM card, wipe clean with something NON SYNTHETIC, and by that I mean cotton to prevent static damage, then return to it's place in the phone. If no...
  12. B

    Question Can I upgrade the laptop memory?

    I would just do a check on the maximum memory the computer can support to be sure, but yes, I agree with you all, the RAM is always the first bottle-neck in a computers performance, especially when doing things like multiple tabs. The computer I am typing on has 24Gig, I wanted to NEVER have a...
  13. B

    Question Laptop Conservation Mode

    This really depends on the battery chemistry, for one thing, but why is it my fully charged battery's have lasted several years? Fully charged, but NOT always charging. Big difference. We do agree on more than we disagree on this, for instance we both know the # of charge cycles (keeping them...
  14. B

    Keyboard doesnt work properly

    Your kidding right? Either your not explaining it right, or it's April fools day in your time zone.
  15. B

    Question Laptop Conservation Mode

    Oh, I think I got it now after re-reading it a couple times. How much power is drained from your battery will completely depends on what settings you have set for your computers power saving mode. The battery will lose some of it's life if it is allowed to get too low before recharging...