Recent content by blackbeard34

  1. blackbeard34

    Living with Windows 10: The Best and Worst So Far

    I'm A Pc gamer? I have beautiful gaming PC and I'm still held hostage by Microsoft?
  2. blackbeard34

    Samsung Seals Out Galaxy S6 Users to Satisfy Critics

    Wow, this ridiculous. It isn't 'called' progress, when you take away features your customer base uses.. I have Samsung s4 and worst problem I have with it is the fact that by the time I load up any programs on it I'm constantly 'almost out of space; not everything can be loaded from sd slot; but...
  3. blackbeard34

    display driver has stopped responding and has recovered? only when i'm in a full screen game.

    Start, control panel, programs and features, scroll, select nvidia, - uinstall - reboot, display will look messed up , then reinstall
  4. blackbeard34

    display driver has stopped responding and has recovered? only when i'm in a full screen game.

    Recommend uninstall and reinstall latest graphics drivers
  5. blackbeard34

    Violent Game Devs are Virtual Child Molesters, Says Politician

    These people wont stop....until we have a govt like that one in 'Demolition man' - oh on your way to work....its okay for you to listen to 'show tunes'.....