Samsung Seals Out Galaxy S6 Users to Satisfy Critics

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Well i like the feeling of my samsung phone. Though i used to own a S2 i upgraded to a Note 4. I think i've dropped my phone already over 100 times and not because i want to. All thats protecting it is a rubber cover. Not a single damage to it, maybe a few chip marks but its still going strong. Try to say that about any phone that isn't made of plastic. One drop and its you're last drop of that phone. Samsung mind as well be the new copy cat in town.. Hopefully there poor taste in the S6 design doesn't follow into the next note. And honestly battery life and the Micro SD is one of the key reasons i always buy Samsung. I currently have a 128GB Micro SD in my Note 4 and believe me i doubt i will ever look at any phone ever again.
RIP Samsung. Now they just have the slowest android Touchwiz UI, and the highest cost, without any of the advantages that made them appealing in the first place. For that cost someone could get an iPhone or the functionally far superior Moto X, and now it looks like Samsung has deliberately removed their former advantages to compete in the "classy" market, which is gonna' fail because that niche has already been beaten into the ground.

I'm really glad I still have a 2nd gen Moto G. It may not be "premium", but it's an unlocked, water resistant phone with an SD slot, and stock Android L, for less than $200. Which currently makes it a lot more desirable to me than anything Samsung or Apple are offering in their premium "form over function" slap fight.
I own all samsung products for mobile. But i purchased them instead of HTC because I could add a micro card. Congrats samsung. YOu just lost a huge portion of your customer base. All th at we have left now is LG. morons
> As a consequence, the Galaxy S5 looks cheap compared with some of its
> metal- and glass-clad competitors.


Because *YOU* say "metal looks expensive" and "plastic looks cheap" and "glass
looks expensive"???

I say it's just the opposite. And since I'm the buyer... I matter.

Needless to say... I will *NEVER* buy an S6 and all of its newly removed features.
I can't believe they went with no slot and no removable battery. They must be trying to make it look like an iPhone. If I wanted an iPhone I would get one. I was hoping that this S6 would be a phone I wanted. No removable battery is a total deal breaker for me. I wonder how many loyal Samsung owners will go elsewhere now.
Hmmm yeah, I was holding out for an S6, but the decision to remove SD card storage and battery just blew it, very upsetting Samsung, looks like HTC again for me.
Well done, Samsung. Now watch your profits fall and cry. No one outside of Apple userbase cares about design more than about these two features that made your phones stand out. All your $ are now belong to HTC.
wow... I wonder who the hell called the shots for this one, it's a massive failure really :/

I don't give a damn about aluminium because when I buy such an expensive phone I automatically buy a decent 3rd party protector case for it anyway, what I DO care about is switchable battery and SD card slot, both extremely useful features for my Galaxy S4. I was considering getting S6, because I really liked the "cheap and plasticy" S4 (and switchable battery was a BIG plus there), but now? I see no point, they basically became another HTC, Apple or Nexus...

Curved display... wow... what a failure.
Yup. As many have already stated... I stuck with Samsung smart phones since the days of Captivate (first Galaxy S) till now because they had 2 key features that were on the top of the list for me... removable battery and expandable memory. Looks like the S6 is not in my future. Here's to hoping that the Note 5 still sticks to the current design thoughts.
I'm guessing part of the reason could be that they were having heating issues and the aluminum chassis dissipates heat faster. If that's the case then with the S7 hopefully they'll be able to fit the performance they want into a smaller power envelope and go back to plastic case with removable battery and micro sd slot.
lets be realistic... most people who need to be away from a phone buy an external battery pack that provides a USB port (or more than one), can charge their phone 2-3 times on a single charge of the external battery pack and can work with many devices other than their phone or multiple types of phones. all for less than the cost of a device specific battery. my 5200mah battery pack charges my iphone 6 twice on a single charge and cost $20.

If the battery does fade, you don't need a new phone- there are countless sources for new batteries. They can be replaced easily by someone with the right tools and expertise. The phones can be opened, just not as easily. It might cost a little more than a replacement battery but it's not like you have to buy a new phone unless you wanted to.

the only thing I'd miss, had I been an S5 owner, is the water resistance. That really is a good feature.
I had to replace the battery in my Samsung and I bought one for under $10.00 and change it myself. I don't see how I could do that if I had to send it to someone else to change.
No external microSD slot? What are Samsung's designers smoking?
Do they even have a plan to go up against the up rising Xiaomi?

I guess, I'll just have to skip the S6.
**hand over eyes**
Wow, this ridiculous. It isn't 'called' progress, when you take away features your customer base uses.. I have Samsung s4 and worst problem I have with it is the fact that by the time I load up any programs on it I'm constantly 'almost out of space; not everything can be loaded from sd slot; but still, its like 'really'? Shame on you Samsung. This is stupid move. Lets punish people buy our phones and make them now 'throw away' phones so we can make more money.
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