Samsung Seals Out Galaxy S6 Users to Satisfy Critics

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I really hope this is an Aprils fool joke.

Samsung, i let you have my money because you were different, better and provided users with many options to your user.
I have been a loyal Samsung buyer for many years. Most of my electronics are made by Samsung. My current phone is the S5.

I have been eyeing the Note Edge for a few months but i held out to see whether the S6 would be better... After seeing these specs, I will be getting the Note Edge. Just as None12345 stated, if I wanted an i-phone i would have brought one...

I can deal with the phone not being water resistant but having an micro sd slot and removable battery are some of the main reasons why I have never moved over to the i-phone.

Samsung, you better fix this or you are going to lose a large customer base...
What a stupid move, who wants a metal phone just to put a plastic cover on it anyway... Focus in the practical use, removable battery, sd card slot, water resistance are way better options on having a metal finish if that why they dish the previus benefits.. The new design is beatiful i'll give you that the edge is very nice but there no reazon to eliminate or to step back from what you already offer o stablish in my opinion this is a monkey see monkey do, not a very welcome to the bunch S6 go and sit with your cousin the iphone 6.
I still have my S3 (with Omnirom, that's 4.4.4 Kitkat - that Samsung thought I should not have).

Anyway, I was really looking to upgrade to the S6, but what they have done is a just plain stupid.
I hope that they will get hit in their face - and not get a false positive feedback from all the me-too people (which obviously they are betting on). If I wanted to buy an iphone (god beware) I would probably have the iphone 6 by now.
I am not too big of a fan of the HTC M8 and the M9 is pretty much the same to me, ok finally it's got a decent camera. Maybe the Z4 or LG will be my next phone. Maybe I just keep my S3, or buy a cheap S5 or a Note 4.

I have seen the rumored prices of the S6 / S6 Edge. I do not understand WHY Samsung thinks it is ok to F*** their customers like that. -- 200EUR difference for 96GB extra? (128GB Samsung micro SD costs 85 EUR). -- 150EUR more for a (maybe overall better looking, but let's face it), outwards bend, gimmicky-pointless, less immersive, more spy-prone, smaller-screen-feel S6 Edge?

NOBODY needs that light on the side of their phone (again which sets you back 150EUR!!!!!!!). I have seen several people showing off that functionality today. One guy had the S6 Edge lying 'flat' (not really, thanks to the camera) with its back on the table, fiddling around with the side menu while the screen is off. WHO is going to do that (other than trying that function out and getting bored of it). Why not press the home button and just using the whole f***ing screen?
If I do not want to have someone call me, I block them, or I give 'unknowns' a different or no ringtone. I do not need a light for something that I probably don't want to answer, now do I ?!?

Anyone still buying this should also read about the battery warranty. What if the battery loses 25% after 1.5yrs. Does Samsung swap it out? How long does it take? What happens if the battery dies after 2.5yrs. My S3 has a new battery because the original one was sh** after over a year. Thing is, it cost me less than 10GBP for a better one. And my 64GB micro SD costs 30GBP.

Also, I am just waiting for the first screams when the glass back breaks... Oh wait, but there is a super-safe case for it - it will also allow to put the phone flat on a table!!!! ... Yeah, why would I get a 6.8mm thin glass phone to then put it in massive, bubble wrap case ??? Might as well get my old Ericsson GA-618 out again.

IMO - Epic Fail
I was hoping to replace my current samsung S4 with this but sadly I'll have to wait 'till they launch the S7 hoping they fixed the dissaster they made, I was really hoping for an improvement on the S5, instead they removed the 3 most key features I liked it for:
* water resistant (I like to take pictures on the beach or in the pool)
* removable battery (I'd like to be able to replace it when it starts to keep less charge)
* MicroSD slot (I like to be able to forget about storage issues)
Ok Samsung, you tried something new. Good for you, perhaps you can steal 1% of Apple's customers.

Now, I am an ex apple customer who bought your Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy Note 3 because I found them to be superior.

They had removable batteries, micro SD storage, and the note 3 started at 32 gigs internal.

I never minded the plastic, and liked the look of the note 3. It felt good in the hand. It had a great screen, a decent camera, and worked well.

I understand the pressure of trying to go premium, but that should not mean the sacrifice of what made your products worthy of purchase in the past.

If new is now, go back to THEN. You can fix this with another model for your loyal customers who were persuaded away from other companies by what you had to offer.

Keep the premium with true function, don't provide flimsy excuses for why you effectively stripped a phone of 3 major attributes.

You have appeased the press and their vanity. Now appease your customers.. Starting with the note 5.
Ok Samsung, you tried something new. Good for you, perhaps you can steal 1% of Apple's customers.

Now, I am an ex apple customer who bought your Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy Note 3 because I found them to be superior.

They had removable batteries, micro SD storage, and the note 3 started at 32 gigs internal.

I never minded the plastic, and liked the look of the note 3. It felt good in the hand. It had a great screen, a decent camera, and worked well.

I understand the pressure of trying to go premium, but that should not mean the sacrifice of what made your products worthy of purchase in the past.

If new is now, go back to THEN. You can fix this with another model for your loyal customers who were persuaded away from other companies by what you had to offer.

Keep the premium with true function, don't provide flimsy excuses for why you effectively stripped a phone of 3 major attributes.

You have appeased the press and their vanity. Now appease your customers.. Starting with the note 5.
The problem is you have a bunch of yahoos in the press who have no clue about materials science or engineering, commenting as if they were experts in materials science. Speaking as a structural engineer: No, metal is not always better. That's a common misconception held by the public. Each material has a dozen or so properties relevant to a particular application. And for phones, plastic actually ends up the top choice in a lot of important criteria.

We already went through this in the 1940s and 1950s. As cars got faster, more people were dying in accidents. The car makers did the "obvious" thing and started making the car bodies stronger, using more metal. And people kept dying. Then someone decided to do some crash tests to figure out exactly what was going on. Surprise! The stronger car bodies were contributing to the passenger deaths! In an accident, the car body would hit, and because it was so strong it would immediately stop. The passengers meanwhile would keep going, and became jello when they impacted the dashboard and windshield at full speed. That's when automakers began designing car bodies to flex and give way under impact - modern crumple zones. Except with the lower impact forces felt by a phone, plastic can do that while still reverting back to its original shape after the forces are gone.

With flexible displays just on the horizon, we were on the cusp of getting the perfect phone. One which was flexible enough you could repeatedly slap it against the edge of the table, severely bending it, all without damaging it. No need for a case - you could drop it and it would never break. If the plastic surface gets scuffed up, just replace it with a new $5 back. But the ignoramuses in the press with their misguided obsession with metal bodies have probably pushed that at least 5 more years into the future. Just so they can continue wrapping their precious metal phones in a ridiculously oversized plastic case to "protect" it.

NOBODY needs that light on the side of their phone (again which sets you back 150EUR!!!!!!!). I have seen several people showing off that functionality today. One guy had the S6 Edge lying 'flat' (not really, thanks to the camera) with its back on the table, fiddling around with the side menu while the screen is off. WHO is going to do that
The edge display was made to address a very real and specific problem. Women carry their phones in their purses. When the phone rings or they get a text, they have to pull out the phone, and flip open the cover before they can decide if it's something important that they need to answer or reply to right now. With the edge display, they can peek at the phone while it's still in their purse, and make that decision without taking it out.

Its functionality is currently being oversold, with a bunch of other marginally useful functions added to it. But its primary function does fill a very real need.
samsung will loose a significant portion of their customers while gaining a infinetly smaller portion of apple ones. Samsung moved the battle to Apple's yard without being trully prepared. Sales will still be strong but most people wanting what Samsung is trying to offer now will go for an iPhone instead.
And i have a feeling Samsung pay is somewhat gimicky. And insecure. We shall see...
Smart move, Samsung. You've selected several items from my "Why I won't ever buy an iPhone" list and put them in your new product.

My Galaxy S2 died a couple weeks ago and I considered holding out to see what the S6 would be like. I decided I couldn't wait and found the specs on the LG G3 quite pleasing for the price. I now feel entirely vindicated.
Had an interest in S6 before this but not removable battery nor MicroSD or the like upgradable storage = Deal breaker. If i wanted a hipster phone rather than practical i would get an iphone where design is more important than wanted features.

Samsung is doing a huge mistake, looking at the brands available i bet LG will have way better success with their next phone when their biggest competitor all of a sudden crippled their device for the sake of look and feel - What a joke!
I'll bet 80 procent of the haters here are IPhone owners... Really ???? Let's be honest... you just hate the way S6 Edge it's looking... because you own a phone that's look like a Dacia Login between two Lamborghinis. I'm gonna buy this amazing phone , the Gear S and Gear V and I'm gonn look amazing, meanwhile you can stick your bending phone ... you know where... Ciao!!!

I bet 90+% here are Samsung users and YOU are the reason Samsung is doing this with the S6 - congratulations. Me tooo! Me tooo! Me tooo! ...
What initially looked like an awesome new device from Samsung really turns out to be more splash than substance. Loosing the micro SD slot was the deal breaker for me. Not cool to give up water repellent and battery replacement capabilities either, but no SD slot is just plane dumb of Samsung. I've hard three Galaxies, but the S5 may be my last Samsung phone for a while. I was sooo looking forward to the new S6. Alas, might be time to explore the competition.
You guys should start checking out the Xperia phones...
I own an xperia Z2 and I get 2-3 days of battery life under normal use (browsing, occasional netflix, etc.). No need to swap out the battery!
Not to mention it has MicroSD port, is water proof and it looks and FEELS premium. What more can I ask?
I owened a Galaxy S1, Galaxy s2, Galaxy s3, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and none of them come even close to what my xperia Z2 is actually worth.

I very much agree with the points in this article; I had been planning to replace my S4 with an S6 but now I'm doubtful. It is my hope that they come out with a variant, perhaps an S6 Active, that returns some of this functionality. I will admit that on my S4 the back looked very cheap but considering how typical a case or replacement back is, I didn't think it was a big deal. The S5 back, which I'm familiar with from my Galaxy Tab S, is actually quite pleasant. This new phone looks cold and sterile - I'll really have to see some post-launch reviews and handle one before I'll consider the upgrade.
The removable battery is my favorite feature on my Galaxy Note Edge. This feature, together with the curved edge design were key in wooing me away from years of iPhone ownership where I had to rely on the Mophie which was expensive and fragile.
Their modus operandi resembles a lot what Apple does. Sealed phone? No removeable battery? No external storage (besides cloud services)? Crampped UI? Seriously, what the hell are they thinking???. I'm not even mentioning price tags!
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