Samsung Seals Out Galaxy S6 Users to Satisfy Critics

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I think Samsung finally realized what other so called top tier phone manufacturers already realized,. Built in obsolescence isn't enough. Some phone owners will be happy with whatever they got the first time, like my apparently obsolete Nokia candy bar phone, which does a superb job of being a telephone, and is built like a tank.

The best way to assure future sales is to make your phone says vulnerable as possible. Apple takes the lead at this, with their super fragile super flimsy top of the line model.

Since my landline phones were 10 years old when I bought it, and had never bern dropped in a toilet i, t never occurred to me to wonder if my 8 year old Nokia was waterproof, or to care what a phone thar sits in my pocket 95% of the time looks like.

Knowing that I can easily replace the battery when it gives up the ghost, I will probably keep it until the heat death of the universe. Plus you can't beat the low cost of a purely phone plan and the ability to carry on a conversation with absolutely no fear of disconnection, when there's only one bar showing.

Add in menory? I don't need no stinking memory in a telephone beyond a frequent caller list summary: that's what I have a brain for.

I suppose if your personal memory is so poor that you can't remember a popular song, then perhaps an mp3 player has some value, but how long do you have to keep that song around? I mean really how many times do you have to hear a commercial you gate before you can repeat it back verbatim? Shouldn't a song you love should stay in your mine forever.

The same goes for photographs. Sure a phone cam is a good substitute for an old box Brownie of the 1950, even if its resolution cant cone close to fikm, but WHY does anyone need to carry hundeds of pictures with them? It's worse than the old days first time parent, I would whip out of wallets stuck with pictures but nobody but a parent would care about and insist that everybody else in the world share those images.

It's not that I'm a Luddite, I use modern technology probably more fully than the average smartphone user. I just don't think that's fashion is allegiant in the way of making technology purchasing decisions, and I don't care what other people think aby're tools to serve they're tools to serve me not and I just don't think that's fashion is a legutimare criterion in making technology purchasing decisions, and I don't care what other people think about my possessions They're tools to serve me, not the other way around.

If you don't trust your memory, in this day of ubiquitous connection and cloud services, WHY carry around all that data in your pocket?
Samsung should know that the customer isn't right, and only are right when sales are good. We shall see if the S6 sale's are good, or even equal to the S5, let alone near their mighty sales of the S4 which sold well and at a time when smartphones were peaking. Most of whom bought a phone then still own and use that particular phone, or at least half do or handed it down/sold it for further use. The pitfalls of making such good and powerful equipment, folk may not need another in a hurry. This is something hardware and software manufacturers often come across. This will account for a lack of some sales.

Apple fans are Apple fans. Samsung, basically had/have the monopoly on the android market. Yet they have to share that with a few other's, including Google. As a consequence, they'll never be able to truly complete with Apple until Google makes Android itself, more appealing to Apple owners and not just leave it to the manufacturers of Android phones. Personally, I think Android is vastly superior; try telling an Apple owner that, let alone convincing them to buy (make a switch) an Android phone.

Where the customer is wrong, and what Samsung should dam well know is, Apple provide the label and style. HTC provide the style for Android and Google provide the affordable powerhouse. The name, Samsung is no more going to be associated with a label, or as style than Volvo. They are a name associated with quality, utility, power, productivity and innovation. Folk who bought Samsung in the past don't really think style, nor expect it. They may expect a pleasant look, but that's it. They liked to be wowed by the phones many many feature's and power. If they didn't, they'd buy an iphone. If they don't like ios, they'd buy HTC, and if they couldn't afford Samsung, they'd buy Google.

Being innovative was one of Samsungs attractions, to a point even Apple eventually followed with the IPhone 6 plus. So why are Samsung not doing the opposite of what the people want, and not following apple. They'll not get it right because people are simply fickle bitches when it comes to style and they'll not buy anyway, whilst Samsung at the same time are upsetting the loyal customer's whom now own HTC or Google, or worse still played right into Apple's hands.

Unfortunately and fortunately, Google let Apple use their services. If that wasn't the case, hardly anyone would buy Apple, if Apple even existed, in that scenario.

Samsung need to stick to their gun's and wait it out and continue with what they were doing, at least until Oculus Rift is released.This phone could have been a separate model. Using the iconic name may cause irreparable damage.

Think I'm just disappointed.

Dr M7

What the heck are you talking about? So when in the history of phones, computers, or electronics in 'general' has having less memory or access to 'less memory' been a good thing? Who cares about external memory? Ah, like everyone that has a phone. They just released a 200gb sd card, wouldn't it be nice to have a phone with 20 - semi compressed blue ray movies for traveling - say incase your hotel wireless is all bunged up with kids streaming Netflix. Maybe you record hd videos for presentations for business. I can think of million different reasons for needing more storage space. What would Samsung charge for a phone with 200gbs internal storage? I'm sure as hell not taking out a loan for phone just so they can make more money. Of course everyone wants faster processors, more security; but we don't need lose features to get them.

I think I'm going to have to completely disagree with first part of what you said.
What can you say ..A lot of people are so totally not impressed with Samsung or their marketing geniuses making knowledgeable remarks about batteries and cloudy storage and 128 gb of internal memory....and yet they are not concerned for the likes of you and me wanting our gadgets to be serviceable for a decent length of time and still hold good value as a hand me down to a young sibling two or three years down the line.....That is the state of the so called marketing genius ....and now Samsung is falling into the abyss that most of the other "NAMES" have already entered to conduct their wizardry and to mesmerise "us" into a STUPOR ....
Listen, samsung is running to the ground... just like Nokia...just like Blackberry....

.their major stores are closing one by one... most are not reported...
the models of phones they launch are guaranteed Flops.. ignored...
their own mobile division forecast is saying 2015 is going to be worse than 2014 which they loss profit by a massive,division closing 74%....
. There are 40 million units of unsold galaxy S5 in all their warehouses cut their losses.. s5 components are used for the s6. .
. they would rebrand it as the galaxy s6...... Buy a samsung? get a most likely to get redundant phone.regret it in 2015.. why pay for a pricey samsung when you could get a better built , more elegant SONY , HTC , LG..MOTOROLA..Iphone 6

Galaxy s6 the last nail on samsung's coffin...goodbye samsung!! take your atrocious built quality and horrible customer service with you...?
No more samsung phones thats the reason i loved them replacement battery micro sd . Who wants a 32 gig phone that you have to use cloud storage for. I hate to say i may go with iphone at least they have a 128 gig model...
I was ready to buy the new Samsung but now I will wait to see if Samsung comes out with a removable battery version. I could care less about a metal or glass case. I like my plastic case, I use a cover anyway so what is the point in using fancy glass or metal?.
When my current Samsung phone needs replacing I will look for a removable battery, that is a non negotiable feature for me.
I have to question one of the most essential issues on previous android versions where the entire phone locks up and becomes worthless and the only fix is to remove the battery for a few seconds and rebooting back to normal operation. With this silly decision to 100% sealed, when the phone locks up, do we wait for the battery to die so it'll reboot into normal operation?

S5's will be around for a while and i suspect people will buy a spare or two and not bother upgrading. Sure, lots of people will jump to the S6, but this decision will keep me and many millions of others who actually don't mind the plastic, but do mind the loss of changing/upgrading batteries and deciding on my own for my added in memory..

I've never been an Apple lemming and never will be, but this changes my opinion about samsung. I wonder if the next think will be Samsung making a $10,000 gold watch. Or Apple just buys Samsung and ends diversity completely.

For me, I'll stay on S5, and unless something substantially better comes along, i'll not upgrade for a long time. Will also stick to Ting, or other MVNO's and never give the cost of service to the greedy ones at the top.
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