Violent Game Devs are Virtual Child Molesters, Says Politician

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They crossed the line, big time, this time !!!

Calling game developers child molesters just because they develop games, which is by the way an "art form" is an insult and an offense of an entirely new level.

The dumb @#!$@#$ politicians should know that those most of those developers are hard working family persons that perform their craft with unmatched dedication. Not something that can be said about those scumbag politicians.

I fell I'm enraged to the bones by this!!!
The problem with these old-ass politicians and the like is that they assume that all video games are just automatically targeted at children. It's far beyond their narrow scope of thinking to believe that games may actually be tailored to and enjoyed by actual adults.
These idiots need to keep their hands off my guns and my games. How these "nanny" politicians keep getting elected is beyond me. You can't even buy a 20oz Coke in NYC now. Really America? What next? Laws to regulate how much toilet paper you can use per dump? Keep electing these libtards and pretty soon we will have a national bedtime.
Some violent games are ok, but some games induce violent thoughts and feelings. There is fine line between little growling with friends and going outside and pushing a stranger. Why play games that make u wanna strangle somebody. And yeah cause the developer of Mario wanted to definitely molest someone...
Politicians are molesting the public for too long, string up emotion over senseless assumptions with little factual evidence to support the case and ignoring counter evidence.
See, I was molested as a child and this, if an accurate quote and representation of the man's words, upsets me. A lot.

Molestation changes you forever. It steals a part of you that you can never fully regain. You deal with it every day for the rest of your life. It's torture. Using it to describe anything less than the abuse and objectification of a child is a very painful insult.

I hope this is inaccurate.
[citation][nom]The_Trutherizer[/nom]I'm sorry... But parents really need to take control of the games their kids play.[/citation]
Exactly. If a child fails, to blame are the parents first.
Maybe a "certificate to be a parent" could solve this. Make having a child a privilege, not a right. After all, the life of somebody else is at stake. People could be taking a few common sense tests and clearly express the desire to have a child and care and nurture them, protect them from the evils of the world and guide them to the righteous paths.
And then be allover to Fornicate Under Consent of the Government (FUCG).
Just an idea, though.
so its the makers of these video games that are at fault when some kids mom or dad buys them an 18 rated video game obviously targeted at adults?
and here was me thinking it was the idiot parents and lack of regulation on age restricted game sales 😵
So much for the Liberal-Socialist "Consumer Advocate" and Green Party Presidential candidate, reminds me of Tipper Gore's "Explicit Content" music crusade in the 80's. The only polititians who truely care about your constitutional rights are Libertarians.
These people wont stop....until we have a govt like that one in 'Demolition man' - oh on your way to work....its okay for you to listen to 'show tunes'.....
I remmber once George Carlin saying this perfectly: "now they are thinking of baaning toy guns, and they are going to keep the real ones!!

Politicians are corrupt, selfish bastards who control or destroy.
I will never understand why people still listen to those losers. (most of them)
Politicians are like hens without heads and spine, always looking for a escape goat and don't dare to say they have anything to do with it. The games just happen to be a convenient scapegoat rather than pointing the fingers at themselves for being largely responsible for the real reasons like poor psychiatric care, school climate & underemployment ect...
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