Recent content by darkbreeze

  1. darkbreeze

    Question buying laptop w/o Operating System

    I was referring more to OTHER software, which this happens with as well, not really Windows when it came to that particular statement, however, you bring up an interesting point. The fact that Microsoft hasn't changed the price of Windows in like 22 years, if not longer, while EVERY OTHER THING...
  2. darkbreeze

    Question buying laptop w/o Operating System

    You go on ahead and keep believing that son. Sure, they are part of it, but they are only part. I know it seems as though we have each other over the same barrel, but it only SEEMS that way.
  3. darkbreeze

    How are "points" calculated?

    Truth is, you're barking up the wrong tree. If you believe the current framework is faulty, then contact the admins. Nobody else can help you, nor would we, because we really don't give two craps about the "points" anyhow. Not here, and not on TH. At least, not most of us anyhow, and not to the...
  4. darkbreeze

    Question buying laptop w/o Operating System

    There are no "authorized" resellers. There are ONLY Microsoft authorized "partners" and those are the ones selling legitimate licenses, not second hand, stolen, batch obtained or corporate package licenses. Believe me, as even the top brass at Tom's hardware have learned, I've had discussions...
  5. darkbreeze

    How are "points" calculated?

    Really? Because that's like saying that somebody with four years tenure at a university shouldn't be making more money than somebody who just started working there 18 days ago. Besides, to be honest, there are very few people that look at or pay any attention to "points", or even understand what...
  6. darkbreeze

    How to protect from and remove virus, malware and rootkit infections for the layman

    [center] [size=6][b][color=darkslategray]Once again I endeavor to provide not so much a highly technical narrative, but more so a resource for less technically astute members or visitors who simply want...
  7. darkbreeze

    replying to a posted solution

    It's on every single post, right next the the buttons at the bottom left of each individual post. Directly to the left of the button with the black triangle that has the exclamation point in the center of it. You click the actual text next to the right angle arrow. Example:
  8. darkbreeze

    replying to a posted solution

    If you click on "reply to xxx" it will quote the message you are replying to, and then you type your message down below the quoted text that it automatically creates, then click "Answer". If you do not wish to quote, and only want to post a new reply, then you click into the box at the bottom...
  9. darkbreeze

    replying to a posted solution

    If you are using a mobile device, that is likely why. Our mobile version of the site is not great, which is why the forum is soon being moved to a new format. If you check your email for a notification of a response from him, you can likely reply in that manner. Good luck.
  10. darkbreeze

    nextbook inside activation product code

    Contact the manufacturer. We can't help you with that.
  11. darkbreeze

    Solved! My laptop thinks its temperatures are too high than they actually are

    Nobody had any problems with anything, until they did. You car could be running fine one minute, and have a blown engine five minutes later. Your CPU could have been perfect for two years, and then ten minutes ago decide it's had enough. Whether this is due to age, fatigue, lack of cooling from...
  12. darkbreeze

    Solved! My laptop thinks its temperatures are too high than they actually are

    CPU temperatures have NOTHING to do with the keyboard feeling hot. That is going to be more relevant to the drive, memory or general internal condition than to the CPU. CPU temperatures can easily reach those temps without ever knowing it by touching the case. You could totally fry that CPU and...
  13. darkbreeze

    Solved! How do I recover photos that I took with my cellphone ater I did a factory reset

    If the photos were saved to the SD card, look there. Otherwise, if you do not have the camera settings on your phone set to save pictures to the SD card and you factory reset, then they are most likely gone.
  14. darkbreeze

    Please help me

    Admin has been notified of your problem and should respond with an answer for you on Monday if they can.
  15. darkbreeze

    Are all UEFIs GUI supported?

    There may not BE a newer version. You probably would need to contact tech support at the manufacturer's website to find out. Laptops are not like desktops and the hardware doesn't really change, so changes to the BIOS are uncommon, but do occasionally happen.