Question buying laptop w/o Operating System

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Jun 4, 2022
I am considering the purchase of a Lenovo on ebay that needs an OS. Since I have the windows 10 installation usb, will I need to have a win10 license? I understand that the motherboard or BIOS has that encrypted on it somewhere? Is it the same way as booting into BIOS, choosing the USB as the boot drive, restart, then install....What needs to be done in this scenario please? TIA!
I did try searching. But couldnt find anything with this particular question....
I am considering the purchase of a Lenovo on ebay that needs an OS. Since I have the windows 10 installation usb, will I need to have a win10 license?

You can use Windows 10 without a license but there will be an activation watermark.

You can get cheap Windows 10 keys from eBay ($10-$15).

Is it the same way as booting into BIOS, choosing the USB as the boot drive, restart, then install...

Should be, yeah
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I am considering the purchase of a Lenovo on ebay that needs an OS. Since I have the windows 10 installation usb, will I need to have a win10 license? I understand that the motherboard or BIOS has that encrypted on it somewhere? Is it the same way as booting into BIOS, choosing the USB as the boot drive, restart, then install....What needs to be done in this scenario please? TIA!
I did try searching. But couldnt find anything with this particular question....
OS install here:

The license is a different thing.
A valid Win 10 Home license is around $100.
But it will run without activation no problem. A randomly appearing watermark at bottom right, and no customization of the taskbar an background.

But it runs no problem.
Which are "Not for Resale", but whatever.

These people buy license keys in bulk from Microsoft at a huge discount, then resell them to 3rd parties. Several companies do this, and it is all perfectly legal. Especially if it's the online store of a small retailer like Ascendtech.

The physical CD that comes with the license AND key is also perfectly legal and you can get them for $40 to $50.

This key is $15 straight from Newegg, dude.
These people buy license keys in bulk from Microsoft at a huge discount, then resell them to 3rd parties. Several companies do this, and it is all perfectly legal. Especially if it's the online store of a small retailer like Ascendtech.

The physical CD that comes with the license AND key is also perfectly legal and you can get them for $40 to $50.

This key is $15 straight from Newegg, dude.
Interestingly, from your link:

Good luck with that.
I'm out.
Interestingly, from your link:

What browser even is that lol

and they keys are burned into the discs, interestingly enough. They can be recovered easily with a powershell script 😛

I admit to just finding the first listing that matched my critera and didn't actually read it, so that's on me.

My point is Microsoft doesn't actually care and you're not gonna have feds knocking on your door nor are you gonna have microsoft deactivating your PC or whatever.

Microsoft does not have the means nor a reason to punish you for using a key you lifted off a school computer and the only reason they actually maintain their archaic policy is strictly for business licensing.

Which are "Not for Resale", but whatever.

and the little bags of candy people put out for halloween are also not intended to be distributed in that manner (not for individual resale) yet people do it.

I get that it's a forum rule for liability purposes but damn. If M$FT actually cared they'd move away from the Key Management Services part of mass activations and entirely tie it to your motherboard, and the KMS still exists in Windows 11.
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What browser?
Firefox, v100.0.2, in Win 11 Pro.

Clearly, you and I are in two different camps regarding Windows licenses.
And never the twain shall meet.

Real + valid, or cheap + valid. (hint hint - what is the source of those cheap licenses?)

You'll never convince men, and I will never convince you.

Further discussion between us on this is simply a waste of electrons.
And never the twain shall meet.

well yeah you're a forum moderator and the forum has rules and standards.

You'll never convince men, and I will never convince you.


Further discussion between us on this is simply a waste of electrons.

I mean so is leaving your phone/laptop plugged in past 100%, but discussion is still discussion and the exchange of ideas and information. Useless information is still information, thus valuable.
There are also plenty of authorized resellers on eBay offloading unused corporate Enterprise LTSC keys.
There are no "authorized" resellers. There are ONLY Microsoft authorized "partners" and those are the ones selling legitimate licenses, not second hand, stolen, batch obtained or corporate package licenses. Believe me, as even the top brass at Tom's hardware have learned, I've had discussions with some folks at Microsoft at a fairly high level and I ASSURE you that aside from the authorized partners and Microsoft itself, there are ZERO authorized "resellers". None. Nada. Zip.

The fact that Microsoft isn't actively hunting them down and forcing them out with legal action, because it's not cost effective, does not in any way mean that that makes them legit AND the backstory to this is that they don't have to do that anyhow because they accumulate product keys that are listed as being part of stolen shipments, corporate licenses that have "disappeared", commonly reused licenses, etc., and periodically simply blacklist them in batches so that your 7 dollar license you bought and used for six months or a year and was seemingly legitimately activated, suddenly becomes not-activated, and there is not one damn thing you can do about it.

I've even seen this happen to a user after three years of using the key on the same system. Nobody to blame but himself, which is exactly what he was told.

Now, obviously not all licenses will get caught up in this way, but a lot of them do, so when you buy that kind of crap not only are you telling the people who are stealing the product by the pallet load off the backs of trucks, out of boxcars, doing it digitally, or whatever, that it's ok to do that and keep on doing it (Which obviously results in companies charging more for the product to offset these losses which directly harms THE REST OF US who actually pay for products we appreciate and want to see continue to be supported, but you are also playing a game of craps and rolling the dice on the belief that YOU won't be one of the ones that gets their license blacklisted. Trust me, we've seen it HUNDREDS of times, and those are only the ones we SEE. Certainly it is far more widespread than we ever see or hear about. So if you want to take that chance and support the organized crime syndicates that perpetrate this kind of crap, that's your choice, but recommending that others do it is a good way to get a stigma attached to your name.

I assure you, there were those from on high at Tom's that tried to argue this crap with me on a few occasions, and while I can't win the argument against them talking it up (cheap keys that is) in their editorial side and articles, believe me, after I presented the evidence directly from MS to them, it was the last I ever heard regarding the legitimacy of those kinds of "gray" keys.
and there is not one damn thing you can do about it.

get another key lmao 15+15=30 and 30>100

that it's ok to do that and keep on doing it

I'm sure they know that it's not OK, part of what makes a business is risk.

So if you want to take that chance and support the organized crime syndicates that perpetrate this kind of crap

Calm down, there is no "deep state microsoft windows reselling syndicate", it's mostly just Chinese sellers scanning the keys off shipped systems as they leave the factory for some extra cash since the CCCP is so awful. I don't know where you live, but if I lived in China under factory conditions I'd do the same thing and I'm more than fortunate enough to not have to.

but recommending that others do it is a good way to get a stigma attached to your name.

It's against the rules of the forum to recommend it, I am merely presenting it as an option. Both my desktop and my laptop are using legitimate, legal W10 Enterprise LTSC keys from when I worked in ITT back in 2019. They're called LTSC for a reason 😛

Which obviously results in companies charging more for the product to offset these losses which directly harms THE REST OF US who actually pay for products we appreciate and want to see continue to be supported,

The price of legitimate Windows licenses for consumers has not changed since 1990. It's always been $100. It was $100 in 1983 for Win 1.0, not including Vista's many variants. Windows Server has varied wildly.
The price of legitimate Windows licenses for consumers has not changed since 1990. It's always been $100. It was $100 in 1983 for Win 1.0, not including Vista's many variants. Windows Server has varied wildly.
I was referring more to OTHER software, which this happens with as well, not really Windows when it came to that particular statement, however, you bring up an interesting point.

The fact that Microsoft hasn't changed the price of Windows in like 22 years, if not longer, while EVERY OTHER THING YOU BUY has increased in price by magnitudes, is probably the only thing you need to know to know that paying Microsoft for a piece of software that they invest MILLIONS of dollars into, if not more, in terms of man hours, research, marketing, physical product, shipping and everything else, and then continue to invest in to maintain it's security and features over the years, makes the asking price a GREAT deal and one that any halfway decent person with even a sliver of conscience ought to seriously consider as a boon, not something to be avoided with back alley sleazeball tactics.
You go on ahead and keep believing that son.

I'm not sure man, but you have this wild conspiracy theory about something very simple and menial.

If you actually know economics, every company projects losses. Every company knows people will steal or pirate their goods. Companies cannot lose money they were never going to make in the first place.

I was referring more to OTHER software, which this happens with as well, not really Windows when it came to that particular statement, however, you bring up an interesting point.

When you hear about companies on Wall Street "projected to lose billions", that's not billions in actual money. That's projected income. Game studios especially need to have projected losses for every release because people are inevitably going to pirate their games. I used to pirate games when I was younger and had significantly less money then than I do now. I pirated TES Oblivion in 2008. I now own a legitimate disc copy and a copy on Steam. CD Projekt Red released Cyberpunk 2077 without DRM knowing that people would pirate it. They lost a ton of actual money issuing refunds and in fact, the people who pirated it probably helped the company save a bit on refunds. I pirated CP2077 to see what the fuss was about and liked it enough to buy it.

EVERY OTHER THING YOU BUY has increased in price by magnitudes, i mean inflation? Russia only exported 5% of the oil the US uses yet gas has gone up simply because the companies are taking advantage of uncertainty. Look at the last 5 years. Nearly EVERY big company took advantage of COVID to massively increase profits due to uncertainty.

if not more, in terms of man hours, research, marketing, physical product, shipping and everything else,

As soon as AAA studios and multi billion dollar companies start shipping finished and polished products, then I'll side with the company.

If you go through my post history you'll see me sh*tting on Dell over and over. That's because Dell makes the same massive mistakes over and over.

I have more to add but it doesn't seem like either you nor our resident Chair Force friend are actually paying attention. I'm simply defending myself presenting cheap keys as an option.

Cheap keys now, legit key later is still a valid option as well. I've used bum keys just to get the annoying watermark away on a freshly built PC while I wait for my next paycheck.
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I am buying a Lenovo. That would be really cool! Ty.

Sorry for all of the moral discussion above but I hope it helps to educate you on what makes a key legitimate or not. Ultimately the source of Windows activation is up to you. While I can't explicitly recommend using a cheap eBay key due to forum rules, it is the option I would personally choose if I were in your situation.

Slic should allow Windows to self-activate if it's the same edition as what was preloaded from the manufacturer, for example a Windows 7 professional slic key should technically upgrade to Windows 8 professional, and then up to Windows 10 pro and so on.
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Sorry for all of the moral discussion above but I hope it helps to educate you on what makes a key legitimate or not. Ultimately the source of Windows activation is up to you. While I can't explicitly recommend using a cheap eBay key due to forum rules, it is the option I would personally choose if I were in your situation.

Slic should allow Windows to self-activate if it's the same edition as what was preloaded from the manufacturer, for example a Windows 7 professional slic key should technically upgrade to Windows 8 professional, and then up to Windows 10 pro and so on.

Thank you for explaining SLIC to me. It helps a great deal. I had not heard of it.

Debates happen 😀

We shall see what happens when I receive the Lenovo..hopefully by the end of the week.
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