Recent content by onekill

  1. O

    Report: Verizon Killing Unlimited Data Next Week

    You kids are funny. First you guys go ripping on AT&T and how bad they are and say "Oh, Verizon is SO much better then AT&T" Now you guys are saying "Oh, Verizon is so bad, Sprint is SO much better then Verizon OR AT&T" Whats next? "Having NO phone is better then Verizon, AT&T and the failure of...
  2. O

    $188 is How Much the iPhone 4 Hardware is Worth

    Beayn, hes not feeding mis-information, you are. Apple and all the other cell phone makers do this thing call subsidizing. The carrier takes a hit on the cost of the cell phone so your locked into the contract. Apple doesn't get ANY of the money associated with AT&T's network. Why do you think...
  3. O

    Bill Gates on the iPad: It's Okay But Good Looking

    Lol, octo core mac pro with 16GB ram and 2 (yes 2) 285's SLIed, you people need to find out what a real computer is =)
  4. O

    Opera Mini for iPhone Ruling the App Store

    Lol, people replacing Safari with this? Lol, clearly you guys don't get it. With multi touch in the app, no spell correction and the text not pre rendered, forcing you to zoom to a semi rediculous level, Safari is king. If your on 3g, and have good signal ( I do 90% of the time) safari wins on...
  5. O

    Three More MW2 Developers Leave Infinity Ward

    Were they the good developers? If not, See ya! They need to get rid of the crappy developers and work on making there games better (MW2 was the worst COD i have ever played minus the Co-Op which was pretty fun. Online is horrible and so was the single player)
  6. O

    Steve Jobs on Support for iPhone 2G: ''Sorry, No.''

    Hey, When I got my first iPhone, it was awesome, then I got the 3G, and now I have the 3GS. The fact that phasing out a 3 year old product is natural. Look at ANY 3 year old cell phone by companys such as Nokia. Do they update there material for there 3 year old phones? Il answer that for you...