Recent content by SininStyle

  1. S

    TV Makers Planning New Sizes and Backlights for 2012

    just look at the glare from this video. huge red blotch on the right side.
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    TV Makers Planning New Sizes and Backlights for 2012

    Seems the argument for plasmas is forgetting their biggest drawback. Its not the picture quality at all. They do in fact have the best blacks and best colors there is no argument at all. The true issue with plasmas and why most people walk away from them is they are huge mirrors. Anyone with a...
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    Gates Foundation Backs New Contraceptive Method

    Why not a $100,000 grant toward the "Slam it in a door" method or the "microwave" technique ? Are you to good for these Bill!?
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    Gates Foundation Backs New Contraceptive Method

    Why not a $100,000 grant toward the "Slam it in a door" method or the "microwave" technique ? Are you to good for these Bill!? Cant believe the filter doesn't pick up on testicles lol
  5. S

    Investigation Could See iPhone, Blackberry Banned

    So this argument has gone Kodaks way before, Kodak warned Apple and RIM before hand... Why exactly all the hate toward Kodak? Seems to me this is by far the fairest lawsuit ive seen in months. Its happened before and a warning and yet they STILL went with the " whatever we gona do it anyway"...
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    Walmart Shopper Smashes 29 TVs With a Bat

    dameon51maybe the tv's were showing ipad commercials Someone needs to add a cartoon bubble over this guys head as he swings the bat on the video. "F-in ipad" " what were they thinking" "should rename it ibat i say"
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    Oh Fun: 2 Firefox Add-Ons Contain Trojans

    Microsoft Patching 17-year-old Windows/DOS Bug A vulnerability found in Internet Explorer could expose your files to the Internet. Microsoft Patches IE Flaw Used in Google Hacking OR Mozilla's malware scan failed to detect Trojans found in two Firefox add-ons.
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    BBC to Show Movie Shot Entirely by Chimps

    The next step in reality TV. Move out of the way project runway!
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    Escaped Convict Continues to Update Facebook

    what no advertisement from facebook? "escaped from prison? Sign up now and get some fans on your side!"
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    Wolverine Pirate Calls Charges ''Ridiculous''

    result is the same if everyone does it
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    Wolverine Pirate Calls Charges ''Ridiculous''

    This argument has been going on since cassette tapes and VHS was released. Ever copied a song off the radio with a cassette tape? recorded a movie onto VHS? how about giving a copy to your friends? Hell my 80+ yr old grandmother has multiple VHS tapes with copied movies, is she a pirate...
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    Woman Arrested for Not Returning Overdue DVDs

    wonder if she got them all at once. trying to picture some lady with a stack as tall as she is and dropping them onto the counter. ok ill take these, yup thanks.
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    Best Video Games of the Year at the VGA 2009

    Dragon age is more like a movie then a game and I'm tired of watching something i want to play.