Recent content by The Schnoz

  1. T

    Pegatron Lands Orders for 10-inch iPad, iPhone 5

    Maybe the "new ipad" is simply an ipad 3 with Samsungs now tested and proven 32nm HK+MG process for the A5X. More LTE compatibility would be likely as well, and possibly LTE for Sprint since their network should be up in a few cities by that time.
  2. T

    PlayStation Move Hits Best Buy Shelves Early

    Mario, Metroid, Zelda, and all the other Nintendo classics. I'm a proud owner of every system and the Wii is a real system. It may not do hi-def but the games are fun and that's what its all about.
  3. T

    Apple's iPhone 4G Finally Caught on Camera?

    wow, I need to start spellchecking. My comments are beginning to read like the articles.
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    Apple's iPhone 4G Finally Caught on Camera?

    This is fake. The next iPhone will almost definately not be called 4G. The current 3G name came from being able to access the 3G network, not because it was a 3rd generation iPhone. The 3G was second gen and the 3G S was 3rd gen. AT&T is far from finished getting their LTE network up (have...
  5. T

    Heroic BlackBerry Stops Bullet, Saves Woman

    The Blackberry stopped the bullet, but the battery will eventually explode and kill her.
  6. T

    OOPS: McGraw-Hill Dropped From iPad Launch

    I think the iPad might work well for educational purposes. If textbooks were transferred over to it, as well as links in those books to educational video footage, and the class had wi-fi, this could have aviable market. For the average consumer though, it iShit.
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    Toyota: If Your Car Speeds Up, Keep Driving

    jomofro39This is payback for Hiroshima. jk, but I had to type it. Sucks for Toyota, they normally do very well in their quality control. Funny, I thought Hiroshima was payback for Pearl Harbor. Now we just need to pay Michael Bay back for "Pearl Harbor".
  8. T

    Report: Apple and MSFT Team Up Against Google

    Enjoy it while it lasts. If Windows Mobile 7 ever gains enough market share than Apple will drop Microsoft too.
  9. T

    Woman Arrested for Not Returning Overdue DVDs

    ravewulfShe shouldn't have been allowed to take out that many at a time in the first place! Yeah, if they had taken here to Judge Judy's court she would have called the library stupid and asked them why they let the lady keep renting DVDs when she never returned the first 52. It would go...
  10. T

    Support for Win 2K, XP SP2 ends July 2010

    Why would anyone not want to upgrade to Windows 7 from XP. If you want DirectX 11, Trim for SSDs, better security, cleaner interface, better multi-core support, more stable kernel, XP Virtualization, etc. People swearing dedication remind me of those old timers that won't leave their home...
  11. T

    Virgin Reveals World's First Commercial Spaceship

    sunflierBut will it make the jump to hyperspace and the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs? but can it go to ludicrous speed?!
  12. T

    UK Street May Be Named After Lara Croft

    In related news they are also voting on the Mario Bros. Sewer and Waste Plant, Marcus Felix Shooting Gallery, Pamela Anderson Landing Strip, Master Cheif Space Center, and renaming planet Earth to World of Warcraft III (cause were the third planet from the sun).
  13. T

    Game Boy, Ball Gets Into Toy Hall of Fame

    If the ball wasn't already in the hall of fame than what the hell was? The double helix?