Recent content by Vosgy

  1. Vosgy

    Buying new headphones, need recommendations or cheaper option
  2. Vosgy

    Looking for a new set of headphones Also you might want to evaluate base over closed/open design, the open design allows for much richer base.
  3. Vosgy

    samsung tv pixelated with ps4

    I have a one of the older 40" Samsung LED TV's and my PS4 looks great on it. Try using a different I/O cable, the HDMI one might have been damaged, also check that the PS4 video settings are configured correctly, it might have accidentally set it self to 720P or something odd like that.
  4. Vosgy

    Best Headphones for Pop Music?

  5. Vosgy

    Best Headphones for Pop Music?

    Cables do make digital like CD's sound different, I've done the tests myself, using several different speaker cables and power cables etc. Even some speaker cable we made our selves, using some 99.99% pure silver cable we bought. The differences are subtle, but they are there, of course this is...
  6. Vosgy

    Best Headphones for Pop Music?

    Just get a real sound system :P My suggestion for speakers.
  7. Vosgy

    Best over-ear gaming headset/headphones for long use?

    In have a pair of Razer Tiamats myself and I think they are fine, sound could be better, in that regard I have used these: That price is Australian, US should be...
  8. Vosgy

    Bass on Headphones

    Reviews would be your best bet, Driver size will normally have an effect on how much bass a speaker can output, though that doesn't necessarily mean quality bass, just more/louder. Also a larger driver needs more power to move it so if there is a large driver but not much power moving it, it...
  9. Vosgy

    Will this item in my Description below charge my PS Vita? Or must it be 1.5AMPS?

    If the voltage is correct and the Amps are the right amount or more it should work. The vita should pull the Amps it needs, as devices pull the current or amps that they need, voltage is the issue.
  10. Vosgy

    Do I need a preamp?

    A pre AMP get the signal ready to be transferred to the speakers and a power AMP just ups the Wattage to add volume. They are used as a pair as both processes need to be done in order to get both a correct sound and volume as the initial signal is very weak. A ordinary AMP has both the signal...
  11. Vosgy

    Do I need a preamp?

    I can't seem to find any real information about the device, Onkyo seems to have removed information about it from their own site. It doesn't appear to be a power AMP, so you shouldn't need a pre AMP for it to work.